$$$$$$$$$$$$ Breaking News - Local Police Clearence certificate - New Delhi $$$$$$$$$$$


Registered Users (C)
My unlce had an extensive talks with DCP - South Delhi regarding Local Police Certificate . As per DCP they cannot issue a PCC and it has to come through only RPO.

Now It seems that if anybody has got PCC from Local Police station in Delhi is illegal and invalid as they cannot issue PCC.

The RPO will issue a PCC in One day if the passport is issued after 1997 as they started using Computers only after that and have the data . If passport is issued before 1997 it will take anytime form 10- 30 days.

Bottom Line : Get PCC from RPO or Indian Consulate

Jai Hind !!!!!!!!
Greta job iamforcp....Can we something in writing from the local police stations? That would increas

Regarding PCC from RPO, what we have heard thus far is that if ur passport was issued by Delhi RPO then it would take u 1 day to get ur PCC...(IRRESPECTIVE OF THE DATE IT WAS ISSUED)., else it wud take 15 days. what is your source of this 1997 cut-off date info.? RPO or the SP\'S office?
Is PCC from RPO and Indian consulate equivalent?

I think it should be since the consulate sends it to the RPO only.
But can somebody confirm this.
source is RP office

The reason is that before 1997 there wa no computerisation done ..Now since data is available after computersization..they issue in one day..else they will take 10 -30 days
It is equivalents as in the Miscellaneous service form it also specifies on 2nd page

that issued only from clearence from Indian authorities

Guess thats the reason thay are charging $22.00 for Telex service
$$$$$$$$$$ Hang on tight .....I am in the process ..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

of getting it ...Will post ASAP I receive it

CP Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great going iamforcp...

Well from what we have heard so far , more than 8-10 posts have confirmed that the PCC from local police station is not available.
So either get a PCC from consulate or RPO delhi. They are the same. It is a matter of us CP\'ers putting it to the Embassy folks during the interview. I am sure the PCC from consulate will be sufficient.

Relax folks. Concentrate on getting your stuff together. Let the ball roll on.
Relax, Really!!

I think the more we call and pester the Embassy folks, the more waves it creates. I really think that they have confirmed with a number of people that Indian CG PCC should be enough.

Let\'s let it go.....sometimes less is more and keeping things low-key prevents attracting unnecessary attention.

I mean, they confirmed the third time for me yesterday, two times on the phone and third in person when my uncle went there that CGNY would be sufficient if I have lived only in India and US.

Take a deep breath, AAUUUUUMMMMM, relax and :)
Guys don\'t make the embassy guys go crazy...

Please don\'t pester them to death about this. Also Swamy is a nice guy and we shouldn\'t get on his wrong side.

Sabne wo kahani sunee hogi... muzaffarnagar ki raajkumari ki.
Bullu..mame bhi kahane sunni hai!!!..i agree folks lets not pester the hell out of the embassy guys

Would appreciate if u wud post it. i know for sure that the Mumbai guys have got an email regarding PCC from their embassy. as u all know, the power of anything written is so much more.
And that drives me nuts..... $%@#&*

Why don\'t they, it is pretty sad they they don\'t communicate as well as Chennai or Mumbai.

Believe me, I have tried and sent them emails - its like water off a ducks back....
$$$$$$$$$ Local Police Station cannot issue PCC $$$$$$$$$$$$$

as per the circular issued to police stations.

I am trying to get the circular number and will post ASAP

!!!!!!!!!!!CP Rocks
Need GC2 and others

It seems like everyone is assuming that getting a PCC from Indian Consulate here is free of hassles, or maybe most of the ppl on this list have already recd. it. I have been trying to contact the Chicago Consulate, and today I got through, tehy told me taht it will be a minimum of 45 days to get the clearance, and I am expecting Feb. interview. I will be sending them the form after the holidays, but don\'t think I have enough time. Any pointers in the right direction ? I live in MN, and that makes it difficult since I have to deal with these guys via phone and mail.
- Mukul
$$$$$ Mukul jain $$$$$$$$

Apply for PCC ASAP....
Look at post below ......
baba66 "Got Police Clearance from Chicago consulate" 12/27/01 2:04pm

he go in 20 days flat
PCC from Local Police Station

Hi everyone:

I am in the process of getting a PCC from local police station. Never I heard that a local police station CANNOT issue a PCC.

When I went to the local police station, they asked me to go to the "special branch" of police and apply over there. Once they get a request from them, they will issue a letter to the same office. And the "special branch" will then issue a standard format certificate. I don\'t have it yet, but will get it by the evening (currently its friday morning in India).

Even after going and talking to "special branch" people, they just mentioned it will take couple of days.

I am surprised to hear that local police station cannot issue PCC. Unless there are different rules for different states.

Will post it later today or tomorrow morning.