Boston stamping: Finally, I am a PR (well almost) :-) Hurrah!


Registered Users (C)

I got my PP stamped today. Hurrah! Finally after the long (but not as long as some other people) wait. Thanks for all the people in this forum for information, support and more. I have posted the ND, AD in a different thread.

Here is my PP stamping experience. Took an infopass appointment at Boston office for 7.00 am. I got there at 6.30. There were about 10-12 people before me. The office is located in the JFK building. For those taking the train take the green line to Government Center. Doors opened exactly at 7.00. By that time there were about 20-30 people behind me. Those with infopass appointments were called in first.

After security checks I proceeded towards room I-160 (next to the phones). At the front desk they checked the appointment letter and I was asked for the 485 approval notice (I had the courtesy copy with me). The officer entered some information and gave me a number and asked me to proceed through the back door to the lobby for fingerprinting (right index finger only). You are given a form which has your signature and fingerprint and asked NOT to fill it. Then I proceeded back to the lobby through the back door and waited for my number to be called.

At the window I gave the immigration officer my 485 approval notice, infopass letter, and the fingerprinted form. He asked for my passport, I-94, EADs and AP. He then stamped the 485 notice, entered some information in the computer and asked me if I was still living at the same addres. Finally he stamped my passport, wrote my A# and expiration date (1 year) on it and explained to me that this is my evidence of my PR and it is good for travel and work. He also said that my plastic card should be reaching me in 3-6 months. He was friendly and polite.

Finally, I am done. All the best to everyone in ths forum.
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When you went for pp stamping did u submit your
original I-485 notice ?
I understand even lawyer also gets a copy of approval notice. Which copy we should be submitting for pp stamping ?