Boston MA - N-400 TimeLine

My wife and I attended interview today at Boston and our applications were approved.

Our appointment was at 9.30am and we were called for the interview at 10.15am. After that, went for review of N-400 apps and that was a smooth process. The interviewers were very courteous.

I was asked the following questions: (numbers listed from the book):

7, 16, 29, 38, 60, 61

My wife was asked the following questions:

6, 15, 30, 48, 58, 83

Originally, we both were given the oath date of May 20th. However, my wife would not return from India by then. So, we requested that to be postponed for her. She got hers for June 10th now (Worcester). Mine is still May 20th (Boston), as I'll be back by then.

So, here is the updated timeline:

My N-400 timeline (Boston Area):

Mailed application on: December 2nd 2009
FP done on: Jan 4th 2010
Yellow letter received on: Jan 14th 2010
Interview date: March 3rd 2010
Oath Date: May 20th (Boston)

Good luck to all of you! I'll post one more entry on May 20th to this great forum.
My wife and I attended interview today at Boston and our applications were approved.

Originally, we both were given the oath date of May 20th. However, my wife would not return from India by then. So, we requested that to be postponed for her. She got hers for June 10th now (Worcester). Mine is still May 20th (Boston), as I'll be back by then.

Congratulations mgkrishna! It is good to get that over and done with, eh? You were luckier than me regarding the oath date (so much for my virtual guarantee!) and this is my problem with Boston oath ceremonies ... there does not appear to be any rhyme or reason how they assign dates. I applied a couple of weeks before you and still have an oath date three weeks after you!
Thank you JPBoston. Yes - I agree with you, there is no rhyme or reason on how they assign dates. One person before me got April 16th date for Oath (I was originally worried that they would give this date to me as well). So, I spoke to that lady on the front desk and told her that I would be out in April (didn't say out of country!) and she said she would first give a date and then we could talk about that later. Luckily, I got May 20th and I said I was ok with that.

I've observed this type of random assignments even in Green Card processing. Some of those who applied before me never got till date and those who applied after me got their green cards before me. This is very strange.

Another thing I forgot to mention was that they didn't bother about my driving record. I decided to take only the unattested version ($6 one from rmv website). I've showed my interviewer the yellow sheet I got (just wanted to be frank with them!) and he told me to ignore that and told me that it would be required only if we were ever arrested. The same thing happened to my wife as well.

So, if someone is thinking of taking a attested driving record just to counter the yellow sheet, I would strongly recommend not to waste money on that. However, please use your discretion and comfort level while arriving at this decision. I found out from 4 of my friends and they all said the same - not to spend money on getting the document, which was never asked so far!

Good luck to all of you!
i am new on this blog.
I filed for n-400 on 1/14/2010 .
fingerprint done 2/16/10
fbi called on 2/20/10 said its srejected due to poor quality.
no second letter yet .
any one has suggestions what can i do
please help
Took the oath today.

Attended the oath ceremony at Fanueil hall this afternoon. Since it was snowing and wet outside they let us in early. Those with yellow oath letters were seated to the right, and those with green oath letters were seated to the left. Around noon they checked us in, we went to the IO's with our letter and greeen card, they checked that we had answered the questions and signed the letter on the back, then stamped it "Checked in" and took the green card. We took the oath letter and went back to our seats. Around 1:30 a judge came in, the officer in charge told the judge that 60 something folks wanted to change their name and that the USCIS had no objection to this. The judge approved the name changes. Then the officer said that 399 applicants were present and that the USCIS certifies that they have met all the requirements to be citizens and should be administered the oath. The judge asked the clerk of the court to administer the oath. We all stood up, raised our right hands and took the oath. The judge then gave a short speech. We all stood up as the judge left the hall. After that we walked up to the front, handed our oath letter to the IO's and were given our naturalization certificates. All done by 2:30 in the afternoon. My journey with the USCIS is done.

I want to take some time to thank all of you on these forums that advised, shared their stories and answered questions. Thank you. I hope to continue to visit these forums to offer any help I can to those of you still going through this process. Now onto applying for a passport and OCI card.

Once again, Thank you to all.
Attended the oath ceremony at Fanueil hall this afternoon. Since it was snowing and wet outside they let us in early. Those with yellow oath letters were seated to the right, and those with green oath letters were seated to the left. Around noon they checked us in, we went to the IO's with our letter and greeen card, they checked that we had answered the questions and signed the letter on the back, then stamped it "Checked in" and took the green card. We took the oath letter and went back to our seats. Around 1:30 a judge came in, the officer in charge told the judge that 60 something folks wanted to change their name and that the USCIS had no objection to this. The judge approved the name changes. Then the officer said that 399 applicants were present and that the USCIS certifies that they have met all the requirements to be citizens and should be administered the oath. The judge asked the clerk of the court to administer the oath. We all stood up, raised our right hands and took the oath. The judge then gave a short speech. We all stood up as the judge left the hall. After that we walked up to the front, handed our oath letter to the IO's and were given our naturalization certificates. All done by 2:30 in the afternoon. My journey with the USCIS is done.

I want to take some time to thank all of you on these forums that advised, shared their stories and answered questions. Thank you. I hope to continue to visit these forums to offer any help I can to those of you still going through this process. Now onto applying for a passport and OCI card.

Once again, Thank you to all.

Hi DoneInMarch

Do you know the difference between the yellow and the green oath letters?
Yellow Vs Green Oath Letter.

I really don't know the reason for the two colors of the OL. I was trying to figure it out but the reason wasn't obvious. For example there were some couples were both had green OL, or both had yellow OL or one had a green and the other a yellow. It wasn't based on if the application was based on 5yr employment based or 3 year marriage based. The persons sitting next to me was based on 5yr employment and the person on the other side of me was based on 3 yr marriage and all of us had yellow OL's. It may have been boston vs lawrence DO but I could not verify that. Not that the color of the OL matters that much as long as you get an early Oath Date.

Good luck.
Maybe those who got their approvals and oath letters on the day of their interview got the yellow letter while those who get their decision and oath letter later get the green letter?
Interview letter is here. Interview scheduled 1 week before the G.C. unniversary date. Let's see if they are going to reschedule the interview because of it?!
Just had my interview yesterday (March 22) and got July 1 as the Oath Date. Everybody around me got the same July 1 Oath Date as well (though some got pink sheets and some got blue - not sure if the color matters).
FYI, one of my friends attended interview on March 22nd and he got oath date as April 8th in Gloucester. He applied for citizenship in Jan of this year.

In my case, I applied in December and my oath date is May 20.
FYI, one of my friends attended interview on March 22nd and he got oath date as April 8th in Gloucester. He applied for citizenship in Jan of this year.

In my case, I applied in December and my oath date is May 20.

Seriously, how irritating is this nonsense in how these oath dates are being processed in MA? My gripe (as you know) is that I have to wait til June after I applied in November last year and passed the interview in February.
I hear you. Seriously, is there some sort of a secret hierarchy as to how these Oath Dates are being assigned? Sounds like some people wait for 3.5 months after the interview while others can finish within a couple of weeks.... If anybody has insights, I'd love to hear.
I went to the interview at JFK Federal Building this afternoon and my application was approved.

My appointment was at 1:00pm and I went straight to room E-160 window 1 at around 12:45pm. The lady took me to her desk and asked me these American history questions:
1. What is freedom of religion
2. Name one state that border Canada
3. When was the Constitution written
4. What ocean is on the east coast
5. When must all men register for the Selective Service
6. Don't remember..

After that, around 1pm, I went to room E-170 and waited for about 20 minutes. Then an officer called my name and we went to her office. After reviewing the application, my application was approved and she sent me back to the waiting room at around 1:35pm. At 2pm, the lady in the waiting room called me and asked me to write my name on two of my photos. I asked whether I should sign or not and she didn't seem to know the difference. I signed on the photos anyway. Then she said I would receive a letter about the oath date in mail soon.

The whole process took about 1 hour and it was pretty smooth.

My N-400 time line @ Boston:
Mailed application on: December 30th 2009
Fingerprint done on: Jan 29 2010
Interview date: March 29 2010
Congratulations auro. I know that lady you are talking about and I ended up writing my name on my photos because she confusingly told me to "write your name" on the photos. In the end, I don't think it is a big deal because others who did the same as me, ended up signing their Naturalization Certificate and it wasn't a problem that the photo on it has the name printed out while the certificate was signed with signature.

When is your oath date?
The lady did not give me one. She said I would receive a letter about the oath date in mail soon.

Congratulations auro. I know that lady you are talking about and I ended up writing my name on my photos because she confusingly told me to "write your name" on the photos. In the end, I don't think it is a big deal because others who did the same as me, ended up signing their Naturalization Certificate and it wasn't a problem that the photo on it has the name printed out while the certificate was signed with signature.

When is your oath date?
Do: Boston

Had our (me and my wife) interview today. Oath is on 4/16/10

12/22/09 - Mailed to Lewisville, TX
12/24/09 - Pkg delivered / Receipt Date
01/07/10 - Notice Date
01/08/10 - Check Cashed/Priority Date
01/14/10 - NOA rcvd
01/21/10 - FP letter recvd (FP date 2/01/10)
02/01/10 - Could not go for FP
02/17/10 - FP Done
02/23/10 - Case sent for standard interview
02/26/10 - IL recvd
04/01/10 - Interview date
04/16/10 - Oath Date