Birth NAC and Birth Affidavit-Templates


Registered Users (C)

I had posted these sample forms sometime back and they are now buried
in all the other threads.

Brought them forward for the benefit of current batch of CP candidates.

Please note, the above are required ONLY IF you don't have a birth certificate.
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Raju595 said:

I had posted these sample forms sometime back and they are now buried
in all the other threads.

Brought them forward for the benefit of current batch of CP candidates.


do we need to take affidavity of birth certificates for myself, mywife,and mydaughter?

when we haev original birth certificates why should we take affidavity for teh birth certificate

VJ2002 said:
do we need to take affidavity of birth certificates for myself, mywife,and mydaughter?

when we haev original birth certificates why should we take affidavity for teh birth certificate


No, these are needed only if you don't have a birth certificate.

Thanks Raju595,

This is really helpful. I have an original BC, but the name is not mentioned (It only says 'male child'). Can we use a similar affidavit?
Travelling to the city of my birth is not really a feasible option in my case.
Pineapple said:
Thanks Raju595,

This is really helpful. I have an original BC, but the name is not mentioned (It only says 'male child'). Can we use a similar affidavit?
Travelling to the city of my birth is not really a feasible option in my case.

I suppose you can use the BC you have, in combination with the affidavit(s).

Thanks for the templates.

I have my birth registered only in 2002 and birth certicicate issued.

In the list of documents for CP interview, it states that "BC issued within 1 year from the date of birth".
That is the reason, I am thinking of carrying an affidavit.

I have the same issue with the BC of my wife and children (though their birth has been registered immediately after birth and certificate issued after 1 year from date of birth. Do I need to carry affidavit also for all of us?

What is your opinion?
Bit confused. Thanks in Advance

My birth certificate was issued few months ago (Jan 2004) but the birth registration date is around my brith date.
I guess in that case I do not need a seperate affidavit?


Which list are you reffering to? Is it a list of Docs required by Consulate (in Packet4)? Are you sure that we need to show Birth registration and/or certificate WITHIN 1 Yr. of BIRTH??

My wife's Birth certificate/registration was issued this year as she did not have a BC before and also my Birth certificate/registration was issued after 1yr of birth.

I am thinking that if the above is true then I would definately need to get affidavits... can you please let me know which list you are reffering to??


srinimuth said:
Thanks for the templates.

I have my birth registered only in 2002 and birth certicicate issued.

In the list of documents for CP interview, it states that "BC issued within 1 year from the date of birth".
That is the reason, I am thinking of carrying an affidavit.

I have the same issue with the BC of my wife and children (though their birth has been registered immediately after birth and certificate issued after 1 year from date of birth. Do I need to carry affidavit also for all of us?

What is your opinion?
Better to post this info in the Sticky Thread "Useful stuff while waiting for Interview".
That way, it would always be at the top.
I have read about several candidates who have obtained Birth Certificates
with recent dates and they did not have any problem.

As a back up some of them carried the affidavits, School Leaving Certificates etc.

I am refering the sheet came alongwith yellow appointment letter. In the last point in this page, the details of BC is stated.
Hope this clarifies the document I am refering to.

Raju, thanks once again.

Are you referring to this attached document??

If not can you please state what it literally says regarding BC?? This would help a lot.


srinimuth said:
I am refering the sheet came alongwith yellow appointment letter. In the last point in this page, the details of BC is stated.
Hope this clarifies the document I am refering to.

Raju, thanks once again.
Clarifications on Birth NAC & Affidavit

Hi Raju and others,
I have obtained my Birth-NAC and Parents' Affidavits.
I however, have noticed a few discrepancies which I would like to get your advice on:

Birth NAC:
I got my NAC from Calcutta Municipal Corporation, which basically gave the following info in the NAC:
"A search has been made..... for the year xx/xx/xxxx...."
So, basically, instead of entering a year, they entered the exact birthdate in the entry for the "birth-year". When my father approached them again with this issue, they said they only enter the specific birth-date in that field, not the entire year. As reason, they say, that since the data is in physical record-books, they cannot search for the whole year; they search for entries corresponding to the specified birth-date, and therefore enter that specific date (and not the entire year) in the NAC. Do you see any problem with this?

Birth Affidavit:
The birth Affidavits I got from my parents DOES NOT include the following line:
"I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of USA that the forgoing is true and correct". The reason given by the lawyer was that when you are swearing in an Indian Court, you cannot owe allegiance to US laws, you have to owe allegiance to the Indian Laws. And typically Indian Court does not require you to "declare under penalty of perjury". Can you please say if the above line is mandatory. If not mandatory, what could be a suitable alternative line, when sworn in an Indian Court.

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sansin said:
Hi Raju and others,
I have obtained my Birth-NAC and Parents' Affidavits.
I however, have noticed a few discrepancies which I would like to get your advice on:

Birth NAC:
I got my NAC from Calcutta Municipal Corporation, which basically gave the following info in the NAC:
"A search has been made..... for the year xx/xx/xxxx...."
So, basically, instead of entering a year, they entered the exact birthdate in the entry for the "birth-year". When my father approached them again with this issue, they said they only enter the specific birth-date in that field, not the entire year. As reason, they say, that since the data is in physical record-books, they cannot search for the whole year; they search for entries corresponding to the specified birth-date, and therefore enter that specific date (and not the entire year) in the NAC. Do you see any problem with this?

{This should not be a problem}

Birth Affidavit:
The birth Affidavits I got from my parents DOES NOT include the following line:
"I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of USA that the forgoing is true and correct". The reason given by the lawyer was that when you are swearing in an Indian Court, you cannot owe allegiance to US laws, you have to owe allegiance to the Indian Laws. And typically Indian Court does not require you to "declare under penalty of perjury". Can you please say if the above line is mandatory. If not mandatory, what could be a suitable alternative line, when sworn in an Indian Court.

{This is only a self affidavit executed before a notary, and not sworn
in a court.

So, you don't even need a lawyer's assistence in preparing this. Just
type the proforma, take it to a notary public and sign in his presence}


{my responses}

Birth Affidavit

thanks for your reply.

So, did you mean that it is necessary/advisable to include "I hereby declare under penalty of perjury to US laws....." and ignore what the notary officer might say.

sansin said:
thanks for your reply.

So, did you mean that it is necessary/advisable to include "I hereby declare under penalty of perjury to US laws....." and ignore what the notary officer might say.


Yes, I feel so. The notary will not have any objection to the language because his/her role is just to confirm the idendity of the person signing the


This post is a query regarding birth not being registered

My birth was not registrered and I have to get affidavits and Non-Availability or No Records letter from Municipalituy.

I want to know whether
1. The affidavits need to be executed in city of BIRTH (Udupi, Karnataka) or I can execute it in current city of residence (Bangalore, Karnataka)?

2. Should the affidavits be executed in front of a first class magistrate as mentioned on the consular website or a notary stamp is enough ?

3. My DOB is 12-Apr-1976 - Should I get a court order to get my birth officially registered OR the NABC + 10th Certificate + Affidavit is enough. I am asking this question because I think there is a Govt order that all births have to be registered after 1970.

Please let me know if there were any other issues while submitting these type of docs at the consulate.

Thanks for your help - it will be greatly appreciated.