Birth/Marriage Certificate


Registered Users (C)

I am planning to apply for my I140/I485; I currently do not have a official government birth certificate or official Government Marriage certificate.
My question is, is it ossible to get the birth/marriage certificate from the US Consolate in New York? if so, can I use these certificates while applying for my immigration? are these birth/marriage certificates from US Consolate valid for I140/I485?

Thanks alot in Advance.

US Consulate in NY??? Always thought we were in the US!! Just kidding. The answer my friend is to get an affidavit from your parents for your birth certificate in case you cannot get it from the municipality where u were born. About the marriage certificate I am not sure, maybe someone else might know the answer.

Good luck.
[You mean Indian/your country's Consulate!]

No, certificates (birth and marriage) obtained from Indian/your country's consulate are useless for immigration. You will need these certificates from the appropriate authority in India/your country.

BCIS do not accept birth certificate issued by Indian consulates. THey only accept birth certificate issued by Local Bodies(Municpalities & Corporation). Otherwise, you need Non-availability certificate form municipality and 2 affidavits form parents/relative/others who were adult and know you at the time of birth (plus school leaving certificate).

If you cant get BC or NAC, try with school leaving certificate and 2 affidavits (this doe's not guarantee , but you can try to convince them. )

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Correction: Indian Consolate in NY

I meant Indian Consolate in NY :). We live her long and try to forget where we are originally from :).
Thanks for correction jrinny

Birth Certificate


I am planning to apply for birth certificate from Indian embassy ... does anyone know whether it is acceptable or not

Re: Birth Certificate

Originally posted by glrao

I am planning to apply for birth certificate from Indian embassy ... does anyone know whether it is acceptable or not


Why don't you just take the trouble of reading what is posted just before this post. Your answers are there if only you read them.
Where to get BC & MC in New Delhi?

Could someone help in figure out the process to get the Birth Certificate and Mariage certificate in New Delhi.

My Wife belongs to New Delhi and we got married in New Delhi. I do not belong to New Delthi and my wifes family is here in US, its difficult for me to get the Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate. It would be a great help for us if someone could give us the details where and how to get these certificates.

Thanks alot in Advance.

I am from Delhi. As for the Birth cert, you have to have someone go to the hospital where you (or your wife) was born, they will look up the records and give you an official birth cert. My wife was born in delhi and got her cert straight from the hospital.

As for the marriage certificate - it's a real pain. you will have to go to the district court that your (or your wife's) permanent address falls under. there you will need to fill out the form and have the following with you:
(1) a picture of the wedding
(2) the invitation card
(3) both (1)&(2) above notorized by a gazzetted public officer
(4) an affidavit (which you can get outside the designated court at "official" stalls)
(5) in some cases, they want a witness to the marriage to go with you.
(6) they also need copies of election card, ration card &/or passport etc.

The best option is to ask someone you know in the Govt. to speak on your behalf and get you an appointment before you go. You will still need to have everything they need though.

Hope that helps

Thanks alot nbahel; it helped me alot to coordinate with my folks back home.
