Birth/Marriage AFFIDAVIT :Does this need to be sworn before a first class magistrate?


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Applicants who DID only submit selfsworned affidavits...please guide.....i am planning to submit self sworn affidavits by elder on Rs 10/- Stamp paper....will this suffice?

Quick response will be of much help as scheduled for interview in March at Mumbai.

Thanks in Advance.
affidavits have to be notarised.

I got my birth affidavits on a Rs. 20 stamp paper and notarised by a notary in india.
Thanks Desibro...but what exactly you mean bynotorisation in india,,,,,,because...

to me the notorisation in India , as much as i know, is to certify that the copy being notorised is a true copy of the original......i.e. "Certified to be true"..... (unlike in usa, where the notorisation is of signature...) in that case, if one is showing the originalitself to the consulate, why is notorisaion needed?

May be i am missing something here...please let me know either way....and also how didyou knowit has to be on Rs 20/= stamppaper..( i have got conflicting notes...some use 5/- , some 10/=...what is legal sipulation ?).
in india there exists Notaries, which in most instances is a lawyer.

A Special executive magistrate may also suffice. You could enquire with any lawyer in India, about this process. Notarisation in this context means "Sworn in front of a Notary". So your parents/elders sign the affidavit in the presence of the Notary who then puts his seal and signature on the stamp paper. Okay, if that\'s your question, as to why notarise an original, then in the same light, why notarise an I-134 ? It\'s also an original document, right ? So, in this case notarisation means swearing in front of a competent authority which in this case is a Notary. You could take an affidavit on a Rs. 5 or Rs. 10 or Rs. 20 stamp paper. No hassles, no one cares about that aspect.

JJ555, some answers

What you mentioned is usually called "attestation". Anyways, I think desibro has answered your question well regarding this.

The second part regarding stamp papers, gov. regulation stipulates this as Rs 15.00, but since there is no Rs 15.00 stamp paper, people go with 20 (note it can be a higher denomination but not lower). Or you could use a Rs10 + Rs 5, but then you\'ll have to make sure your content spans two pages.

You\'ll find notary publics pretty much anywhere there are lawyers. basically like in US, they are individuals authorized by the government to certify sworn statements. certain gov officials like magistrates are authorized too.
Is Affadavit compulsory on Stamp Paper?

In website, they have given sample format. But it is not mentioned that it should be on stamp paper. Is it any problem, if it is notarized on plain white paper.
Birth Certificate

I am just going to apply for a BC from the Municipality where i was born. If they agree to give it to me , is there any format for the same. This is a case of CP in chennai.

Also if i dont get the BC, shall i get the affidavit on a stamp paper signed by my parents. Would this suffice??

Thanks Guys.