Birth Certificate


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Hello All,

I have heard conflicting views on what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to Birth Certificate to be submitted along with I-140/I-485

As many of us I dont have a birth certificate and our X class CBSE was perfectly acceptable proof of birth in India. However so, its not in US.

Can you all share your views on if the Birth Certificate issued by Indian Embassy in US is acceptable by INS? I have had some friends say its not and my lawyer says I dont see why it should not be acceptable.

I was wondering if any you guys out there submitted Birth Certificate issued by Indian Embassy and did not face any problem.

Thanks everyone!
You need the birth certificate issued by the local govt(place you were born) authoriy.If they do not have record of your birth,you can get an non availability certificate from them and give two affidavits from your parents or some close relative.
The link below gives a sample affidavit too
Thanks for replying. Yes I am aware of the affedevits and stuff but was wondering if anyone has submitted a brith certificate by Indian Embassy or am I totaly off the track here.

You now have managed to raise another fear in my mind as my sister was getting a birth certificate from the hospital. I thought that should work and you say it will not.

Dear God, when will this be all over!! :(
I have been through a similar situation.Finally i got the birth certificate from the local govt office.The birth certificate issued by indian embassy is based on your passport.If that was acceptable by ins...its as good as giving a copy of your passport certificate is not acceptable.What you can do is, with the certificate from the hospital you can approach the local govt office and get a birth certificate as its not a big deal.Just takes a day, provided u dont have a different dates in the hospital certificate and in your 10th certificate

I have the similar type of question...

I am applying my 485 with in a week, I have all (me and my wife) my birth certificates, but those are all issues on september, 2003 (issue date on certificate). After talikg to my lawyer, she said though you have certificates you have to give affidavit from two of your parents (not father/mother) because the issues date is the current year - 2003. Now how important is this? I have all my birth certificates issued by local office in india, still then i need to provide affidavit....neverending story....I dont want to make delay in filing 485! do u guyes think the certificates are good enough? or I have to provide affidavit, if I have to then, its going to delay by another 2 weeks.

Any comments...??

givemeLC, I think your lawyer is correct. Get the affidavits. I remember seeing an posting on this site on this issue. The BCIS had sent a RFE stating that the Birth certificate has been registered/issued after XX years. Please search the I-145 CSC thread you might find it.