Birth Certificate


New Member
Hi Guys,

This is regarding Birth Certificate..when I was parents did't take the birth certificate as common in our Des...While Filing for I-485..I submitted a Notrized Document saying that I am so and so ...born on so and so date and place of birth.

I did got my EAD and Advance Parol Approved..

Now I am doubting the Document which I submitted may not be Good enough

One of my friends had a Similar Case...he got a query for which he got Certificate from Indian Embassy based upon the Date of birth and Place of Birth in his Passport.

My question is..Did any of u or ur friends had a similar situation..

Please, reply with Info and Solution's which might Suggest a Solution to me to take any Corrective Measures in advance before I get RFE.


i got a rfe for a birth certificate for my 485. my ead card and ap came without any problems. i had to ask my dad to get a birth certicate from the local authority in india. have submitted the same and waiting to hear back from ins.
Non-availabilty certificate

hey Guys,
I was in the same situtation...Did not have my birth certificate....the best document to submit is the Non_Availablity certificate from your Panchayat or Municipality and a long form affidavit form your parents about your birthdate and place of birth !!..!! Any other documents submited might welcome an RFE per my lawyer,, !!

I hope this info helps