Birth-certificate translation from Local language


Registered Users (C)
My birth certificate is in Local language and my city\'s birth registration
office doesnot issue B.Certificate in English.
Does anyone know if the translation from court will be fine or I need an
affidavit too.
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Hi nonu,
   Well my birth certificate is in french. So, I went to the french consulate and they told me that I should get it translated into english from a translator. My lawyer said the same thing. The translation should be notarized and should be official. That is all. So, I think that the translation from court will be fine as long as they notorize it and give you a letter that they did it and that the information is accurate.
  Ask more around, as I am not sure, but I will be carrying with me the birth certificate in french with the notorized translation to english.

hope this helped,
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nonu & sonu,

Get a Notarized Translation from the court based on your original. Always keep the translation with the originals alongwith any affidavits you might have obtained to support missing information/changes to original birth certificate.

This is what I got it --
page 1. Letter of accuracy from translator (notarized) mentioning that attached is the translation of the original birth certificate and attached is also the copy of bc.
page 2. translation of the original birth certificate
page 3. copy of bc.
These are attached together.
However, notorized is only page 1. Shouldn\'t page 2 be notorized instead of 1. or shoud both be notorized?
What do you say sky sailer?
Translation and certificate of the translator should be notorized

Translator certificate should say that +I am native speaker of the Ølanguage NameØ and have made the attached translation accurately``

What you have is sufficient but this will make your case totally tight!
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Yes it says all that as well. But i was concerned about what should be notorized. She (the translator) has notorized the letter of accuracy but not the translated bc. though she attached them together.
I am not sure if that would be ok?
do you know..?
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In my opinion the page with the actual translation of original MUST be notarized. Don\'t you think that un-notarized 2nd page with translation can easily be replaced with another translation to misrepresent the original (not that you would do that but it could be done)? So in order to be on the safer side, please get the translation page notarized as well.
Thanks Sky Sailer

I agree with you. That is why I was concerned. I guess now I have to get hold of the lady again to ask her to notorize the translations! Man, I don\'t know when this will end!

Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it!

~ Sonu.
Translations from Hindi

Are translations required if the original document is
in Hindi (for CP at Delhi)? The P4 document mentions
"Documents that are not in English or Hindi should be
accompanied with a translation...".

Just wanted to confirm this is correct. Has anyone
used a document (birth certificate) in Hindi without
a translation.

Thanks in advance.
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I am not sure if you need a translation or not. But if it says "Documents that are not in English or Hindi should be
accompanied with a translation...". then probably you don\'t.
But there is no harm in getting one, right?! You might as well get one this time because who knows you may need it some day.

good luck,
Agree with sonu

it is not difficult to get translations..... you have waited so long for this... why let small technicality delay your process and cause unneccessary hassel...
cp gurus, can u tell me how to get a translation for my BC which is also in Hindi ?

My lawyer asked me to get a friend sign a letter saying that the original is my BC. Is this true ?? if not, what do I need to get a translation ?

Get any one (who does not have the same last name as yours)

To translate it and also ask him to give an affidavit that he is a native speaker of the language. Get the letter and translation notorised in the US itself.

That is all. :)
Thanks Patta Hara ! If Hindi is accepted at the Chennai consulate, then is it ok

if I don\'t get it translated.? Actually my original BC also does not have my correct name on it so I am planning to take :

1.Affidavits from parents leaving certificate

Are these two enough ? or do i need to take translation related docs also ?

take a translation just in case and submit your original BC as well. Mine didn;t have my correct name either but they didn;t mind that. I provided an affidavit saying the name given in the BC was myself, thats all.
translations are fairly easy to get

Checked with the embassy (at Delhi) and they did say you need
a translation for documents in Hindi. But its fairly easy to
get. You can do the translation yourself, the get a notary to
verify/correct/sign it.