Birth Certificate: The whole Story.

nologic Algo

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This is applicable for Guys from India:

As per \'Registration of Birth and Deaths Act 1969\', every birth and death need to be registered. But you know in remote villages and sometimes in Cities also they dont\' get it registered. If a Birth took place in Hopital, the hospital authorities send the birth record to the \'Registrar of birht and Death office\' but there is no record of birth if the birth took place at home.

So What to do if your birth is not registered:
If you are born before 1969, simply get two affidavit from Relative of your birth and a certificate from registrar of death and birth that your birith is not registered. YOu can get formats at for this purpose.

Now if you are born after 1969 and don\'t have your birth registered? There are some speific procedure to get it and that varies from State to State. In general :
1. If your birth is registered within a month, the registration clerk will do everything for you and will get the Birth Certificate for you signed by regitrar of birth and death. Usually they have in Hindi but you can have it in English aslo. If they don\'t have format in english also. If they don\'t have one, you can get it typed by yourself. You are computer person.

Now if its more than a month of your birth, then only District Registrar of Birth and death only have discretion to give you birth certificate.

But if its more than a year to your birth, this power lies to Sub Divisional Megistrate. Court need to see you are the right person. Court will ask for Affidavit from two relatives who were present at your birth and give a letter to you directing the local Registrar of birth and Death to issue a Birth Certificate to you.

This sound long process but it is not really. You can get all the format from and relative are at easy reach and there are lots of attorney in megistrate office compound to help you out to get this certificate.

YOu take that letter from Megistrate ( SDM ) to local Registrar office( Municipal or Gram Panchayet ) and they will issue a Birth Certificate to you with the official Sean on it.

Hope This will help.

Good Luck.
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My birth certificate (born 1969) from the hospital mentions that a male child was born to my parents (both named) on such and such date.
My lawyer asked me to get affidavits from my parents stating that the child whose birth is referred to in the certificate is me (for I-1485)
HAs anybody ever doen this successfully before, or any opinions on whether this is OK?
ALternatively I have complete birth certificate (mine and my parents name included) from my birthplace, but that is in Hindi. IS it better to get this translated? Does anybody know a place that can provide a translation that the INS will accept?
Thanks for responses

What about marriage certificate?

Nologic Algo,

Thanks for this information.

Please post whole procedure about marriage certificate also. What can be done if couple in US and marriage is not registred? What will be procedure about that.

Thanks in advance.
The Marriage Certificate: The Whole Story.

This is applicable to Guys/Girls From India: Depends on State to State as well as which community and religion you belongs to. There are lots of Marriage act for different communities in India. So procedure to obtain marriage certificate is also very different in various states.

Best if for Christians: My dear friends get married in Church ( most of the time ) and get it registered in Church and usually Church arrange that this get registered at the office of \'Registrar of Marriage\' which is usually the office of District Magistrate/Collector.

But the Thumb Rule is : If you don\'t get your marriage registered within a month of your marraige, in most of the states after 30 days of marriage, This is Taken as \'Special Marriage Act\' and this follows the procedure of \'court marriage\'. The Registrar of Marriage office usually the District Megistrates office will put a notice on board that so and so want to regiter their marriage and if any one has any problem with it, may object within 30 days of this notice.

HopeFully, NO one object it as its already a marriage !! After 30 days passed, couple need to appear before megistrate and sign the \'Marriage Register\' in the presense of two witness. Once this is done, the Office of Registrar of Marriage will Issue you a Marriage Certificate.

Please NOTE: This marriage Registration procedure may be totally different in different states.

If you are both in USA and your marriage is not registered, In the situation when they both have come by their own ( otherwise to obtain H4, you need to have already registered your marriage to show that your are the dependent spouse of the person in USA ). Probably you may need to appear personally in the Registrars office to register their marriage.

So folks no definitive answer here. Better contact your District Regitrar of Marriages office and you\'ll get the complete procedure.

Hope this will Help.

Some One Said -
\'The Marriage Laddoo : Khaye woh Bhi Pachtaye, Jo Nahin Khaye woh Bhi Pachtaye\'

Mean - \'Marriage is somthing without which you are not happy and you are not happy with it either once you are married.\'

Good Luck.
Thanks but..........

Hi Nologic Algo,

Thanks again for this infomative post. How we both are in USA without registation then answer is for spouse visa stamping in delhi if you don\'t have MC then marriage photograph, Card and affidavit is sufficient. Based on these they stamped H4 on spouse passport.

Now question for you is, Is there any way that we can file I-485 without the MC.

I don\'t think so.

GCMay01, Its good that you got your spouse H4 stamped without Marriage Certificate. You must have good officer, usually they ask for Marriage Certificate that what I Know.

As far as I know, Marriage Certificate is required. And How to get this marriage Certificate depends on your state law.

If your state law allows that you can get marriage certificate even if you are not present personally ( I don\'t think that may be the case ), you may get from here itself. Otherwise, You need to have visit to our beautiful contry to get it. :)

Please ask your attorney what he suggests.

I\'ve advised all my friends who are and were in I-140 stage to be prepared with Birth Certificates and Marriage Certificates to avoid any delay in I-485 filing. And that helps, recently one of my friend just got his birth certificate from India which took him around four week and next day he got his I-140 cleard :)

Good Luck to you, and pleaes consult your attorney what he/she suggests.

As far as I know, Birth Certificate still you can go around with having a certificate that your birth is not registered from Registrar of Birth and Deaths and two affidavit from relattives that they were present at the time of your birth, but Marriage Certificate you really need it.

Good Luck Again.