Birth certificate RFE.. Urgent???


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My wife got an RFE on Birth Cert. She had submitted an affidavit instead of actual cert. The RFE says "if no birth cert exist you must submit a written stmt from a competant civil authority in India that your birth cert is not availble"

Has anybody responded to similar RFEs? She is from Kerala, India. Who will be the competant civil authority in the state, who can issue such a certificate?

Does Secondary School leaving Certificate(SSLC) serve as secondary evidence?

Nair, I think you may be missing something in the affidavit that made them to issue such a RFE. Please do a search in this forum or ask your lawyer are you missing anything in the affidavit. Best of luck.

Thaks for the replu Varghese..

I spoke to the attorney. he says it is a new requirement to provide "no-certificate" certificate, if the applicant do not have a BC. If such a certifiacte is provided, INS will consider secondary evidences, which may include, but not limited to:
1. Hospital birth records
2.Medical records
3.School records
4.Census records
5.Church records
Provided these records include your name as well as parents' names and these certfiacte should have been issued contemporaneously.
Thaks for the replu Varghese..

I spoke to the attorney. he says it is a new requirement to provide "no-certificate" certificate, if the applicant do not have a BC. If such a certifiacte is provided, INS will consider secondary evidences, which may include, but not limited to:
1. Hospital birth records
2.Medical records
3.School records
4.Census records
5.Church records
Provided these records include your name as well as parents' names and these certfiacte should have been issued contemporaneously.
Thaks for the replu Varghese..

I spoke to the attorney. he says it is a new requirement to provide "no-certificate" certificate, if the applicant do not have a BC. If such a certifiacte is provided, INS will consider secondary evidences, which may include, but not limited to:
1. Hospital birth records
2.Medical records
3.School records
4.Census records
5.Church records
Provided these records include your name as well as parents' names and these certfiacte should have been issued contemporaneously.
Thaks for the replu Varghese..

I spoke to the attorney. he says it is a new requirement to provide "no-certificate" certificate, if the applicant do not have a BC. If such a certifiacte is provided, INS will consider secondary evidences, which may include, but not limited to:
1. Hospital birth records
2.Medical records
3.School records
4.Census records
5.Church records
Provided these records include your name as well as parents' names and these certfiacte should have been issued contemporaneously.
Birth Certificate

My wife had a similar RFE. We submitted the non availability certificate from the munucipality. She is from Tangaserri, Quiolon, Kerala. We also submitted affidavits from two relatives and her parents. We bith got our approval last year.

We had to pull some strings to get the non availabilty certificates. I think you know what I mean........

I hope this helps;:) :)
Guts... One more info

Do you remember which officer in the muncipality issued the non-availabilty cert..

Re: Guts... One more info

Originally posted by uknair
Do you remember which officer in the muncipality issued the non-availabilty cert..


Nair, pull some strings. :D

I think there may be someone who issuing the BC. In every muncipality there is some one who takes care of births and deaths.