Birth certificate question- urgent


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My mother's name was not included in the birth certificate, which I submitted to INS for I-485 processing. If I get a RFE on this matter, what I supposed to submit to INS? If INS asks me to submit two affidavits from my parents, do my parents need to explain in the affidavits why the mother's name is missing in the birth certificate?

If anyone has encountered this problem , please let me know your experiences.

Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem and I had to get a letter from local muncipal corporation stating that mother's name was not written on birth certificates issued before 1974 or something. Though I did not receive my GC yet but this is what I submitted alongwith my birth certificate. I hope this helps.
Thanks so much Feb2002case.

Could you please post the format of the letter, which you got from Municpal corporation stating that mother's name was not written on birth certificates issued before 1974.
Office Muncipal Council <City>


It is certified that Mother's name was not recorded in the registers of the Local Registrar of Births and Deaths before 1974.

Executive Office
Muncipal Council
Thanks so much Feb2002case.

INS has issued RFE on my case ( RD-Oct) and I have not received the notice yet. I am suspecting that INS has issued RFE due to this problem. Do you have any idea , what I supposed to do now ?

Thanks in advance.
You are always welcome. RFE may or moy not be because of this. But you should try to get this letter if possible. If not get an affidavit from parents and another joint affidavit from two close friends/relatives . Ofcourse you should consult your lawyer ASAP after you come to know the RFE details. But my guess is that you need not worry for birth cerificate as there are many alternates. Relax now.........
I did not have birth certificate in proper format so my attorney advised me to get it from Indian embassy of Washington, DC. I got the birth certificate from the Indian embassy and attached to I-485 form. Of course I did not get approval yet as I applied I-485 in April 2002.

Good luck.
As I mentioned in my GC approval thread , I did not have my BC either. I submitted the BC that i got from the Indian Consulate and I did not get an RFE for that.

I got an RFE for everything else though...But its all over now..:)
Thanks so much for your information.

The INS has issued RFE on my case(RD-OCT), but, I have not received the notice yet.

I submitted the following D.O.B to INS.

This to Certify that XXXXX( my name) S/o XXXXXX (father's name) is a native of XXXXvillageXXXXXXTaluk of XXXX district. State of XXXXX.

His Date of birth is DD-MM-YY (in words) Theree-zero -Aug-one- XXX(year).


The above mentioned certificate was issued by Revenue office.

The Revenue office did not mention in the certificate that the D.O.B was registerd , when I was born.

My questions

1. Does the INS ask, why the Mothere's name is missing in the certificate ?

=> If the INS asks, do my parents need to explain in the affidavit why the mother's name is missing in the Certificate ?

2. If the INS asks me to provide new certificate with mother's name, can I submitt parents affidavits ? ( I can't get the new certificate from the Revenue office).

Thanks in advance.