Birth Certificate-question- urgent.


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My mother's name was not included in the birth certificate, which I submitted to INS for I-485 processing. If I get a RFE on this matter, what I supposed to submit to INS? If INS asks me to submit two affidavits from my parents, do my parents need to explain in the affidavits why the mother's name is missing in the birth certificate?

If anyone has encountered this problem , please let me know your experiences.

Thanks in advance.

Affidavit needs both the parents name and the date of birth.
This needs to be on a stamp paper (Rs20)

if only one of the parent is surviving, a relative can do the same.

This is exactly what I have done in my case.

If you havent yet recieved the RFE, be prepared with the required paper work.
Be prepared to obtain two affidavits


It happened to my cousin. Mother's name missing in birth cert.
He got an RFE from NSC. Luckily his relatives were here in US at
that time and he got affidavits from them and replied. Case
approved in two weeks after receiving the reply. This happened
last Nov.
Ask your people in India to have 2 stamp papers ready so that
if you get an RFE you can be prepared to reply.I hope you get
your approval without RFE. Btw,those affidavits needs to be
dated after RFE date, if any.

Good Luck.
This is a standard RFE for anyone who has not registered their birth at the time of brith and got the BC later on. Or if they don't have a BC at all.

The type of text in the affidavit may vary case to case.

Probably in your case, both your father and mother may have to issue two affidavits (each one ), saying that you are his / her son/daughter born to him/her and 'the spouse name' (her/him) on such and such place and such and such time. And your birth was not registered at the time of birth.

And the affidavit has to be duly signed by Notary Public and with their Office Stamp, in a plain A4 sheet

To all...

In my case, I gave affidavits from parents (plain A4 sheet, singed and notarized). Many guys are talking about Stamp paper (Rs20 or 10). Is it necessary to be in stamp paper? (I understand that there is no stamp paper concept here) and.

Non-availability certificate is with out seal (but in the top they gave municipality name, bottom signature and title). Do you think that it is a problem? (If yes, what is the solution. getting another non-availability is nightmare).

Thanks in advance

I believe it depends upon the country. If the affidavits are done in Bharat then it has to be on the stamp paper. Also it has to be executed in front of the official authorized to administer oath (in theory). The affidavit should bear the stamp of that office.


Here's an example. Use appropriate clauses.

Note: Any date stated within an affidavit must be spelled out, e.g., June 1, 1960.


State of _________________)
) SSN:
County of ________________)

Julie Hooper (Must insert full name of affiant, Not Mrs. Hooper, Ms. Hooper, etc. no initials), being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am a citizen and national of ________ (country), currently residing at ________________________ (present address).

2. I was born on July31, 1935, in _______ (city, country) and I am the mother of Sam Hooper (Must insert full name of applicant, first, middle, and last name).

3. Sam Hooper was born on May 3, 1960, in _______ (city, country), to me and my husband, Carl Hooper.

4. Sam Hooper’s birth was not recorded by an official government agency or religious group. (or when applicable, Sam Hooper’s birth was recorded by an official government agency, but her name was not listed on the birth certificate).

5. Sam Hooper married Jane Osman on July 1, 1980, in Madras, India. I was present at their wedding. This marriage was the first marriage for both of them.

6. Sam Hooper has also used the names Samuel Ding, etc. Sam Hooper and Samuel Ding are one and the same person. (necessary only if other names appear on applicant’s documents or applicant has used names, other than the married name).

As regards the paper, a plain A4 Sheet will do here in US. I did the same thing.

But of course, the Notary's Office Seal is necessary.

Hope this helps.

I think ColumbusPrince telling is correct. I didn't see any thing like ssp_aks statement(stamp paper). I saw few sites, for EX

Some of them are insisting about notarized and some are not. But I didn’t see any thing about stamp paper and I believe that no body has received the RFE to get the affidavit in stamp paper. Please post if you had or knew any thing like that.
Hi reemas, sept13, ColumbusPrince and Vetri ,

Thanks so much for your information.

The INS has issued RFE on my case(RD-OCT), but, I have not received the notice yet.

I submitted the following D.O.B to INS.

This to Certify that XXXXX( my name) S/o XXXXXX (father's name) is a native of XXXXvillageXXXXXXTaluk of XXXX district. State of XXXXX.

His Date of birth is DD-MM-YY (in words) Theree-zero -Aug-one- XXX(year).


The above mentioned certificate was issued by Revenue office.

The Revenue office did not mention in the certificate that the D.O.B was registerd , when I was born.

My questions

1. Does the INS ask, why the Mothere's name is missing in the certificate ?

=> If the INS asks, do my parents need to explain in the affidavit why the mother's name is missing in the Certificate ?

2. If the INS asks me to provide new certificate with mother's name, can I submitt parents affidavits ? ( I can't get the new certificate from the Revenue office).

Thanks in advance.
If both parents are alive their affadavits are required. It could also be any other older relative like aunt/uncle etc. The affadavit should have the persons full name , how related to you, address, mentions your name where and when you were born, your fathers nd mother name and state that they were present when you were born. It is not neccessay that it be after RFE as someone mentioned. As far as India is concerned only post 1969 birth certificates became mandatory. Priving a non availibility letter from the muncipal office would be extremely helpful.

Mothers name missing in certificates is not uncommon. In that case the birth certificate with mothers name missing + affadavit from both parents is ok.

What i know is that in India a notary will use stamp paper and then affix his seal.

hope this helps.
A quick BC question

My father's full name is included in my BC and only my mother's first name.

Will NSC have any problems.
Do I need to get affidavits from relative??

Any help is appreciated.
