Birth Certificate Problem


Registered Users (C)
This may sound strange.. but anyway

If some one is not able to get birth certificate from city gov.
(born before 1970 and not registered) and for some reason not
able to get affidivates also, is there an alternate way to support
birth certificate requirement from BCIS. Is it possible to explain the reasons thru a letter to BCIS. Has any one aware of such case.

I submitted 485 with birth certificate from Consulate.


RD: Dec 19
ND: Dec 21

Did you get any RFE or are you anticipating an RFE? I can try to get some info from my friend who had to get an affidavit.
I had this problem. This is what I did to get birth certificate:

1. Got hold of one lawyer in India and filed application in court for birth certificate.

2. Court asked for two witness which I had.

3. Court issued order to municipality to issue certificate

4. Municipality issued certificate based on court order.

Hope this answers your ??


Birth certificate from consulate is not usually accepted, since you need to show them your passport for the same, and what they do is look at the passport and issue you a certificate.

What you can do is ask some elder person you know to vouch for you (affidavit) if you can't get it from your parents.

Other than that you have to get a certificate from India, it is easy, just give money to some clerk. Just time consuming that is all!
Birth Certificate

Every city has it's website (hopefully) where you can get the requisite info. Calcutta has the following website taht helped me a lot. I was in the same boat as you and followed all the directions in the website

and got my certificate out in a week. Of course it will greatly help if you do it yourself. Most importantly I did not have to dish out a single penny for baksheesh which was kind of unthinkable.

I am impressed! I have not seen such a smart move.

However, if the municipality doesn't have any records of the birth because it was not registered, where did it get the details from? Just from your affidavits?

Also how long did it take for court hearing and order?

Affidavit should do! It is really simple! Don't even need a lawyer, you can go to the registrar and approach him for the same! Offcourse you need a witness!
Thanks to all. Looks like there is no easy way out than a trip and an education on legal system.

1. Does the affidivate location has to be same as your birth place ( assume not necessary)

2. Does the affidivate has to be from relatives only. How about family friends as long as they vouch that they were present/did visit? Is there any problem with BCIS if they are from family friends?
I assume affidavit should be from same location. Don't know. Logically it gives court / municipality makes it easier to verify.

Affidavit can be from older friend or relative who were present or know you from birth.

For me the whole process took around two months.


No need for you to make the trip unless you have absolutely no one in India to help you out. It is not a labor intensive job. Just requires money that is all. I actually just asked my parents to get it done for me!