Birth Certificate from Indian Consulate

Ramesh Chand

Registered Users (C)
I have been informed by one of my friend that Indian Consulate in NY issues a birth certificate based on your passport date of birth. I was wondering if INS accepts this BC for I-485 processing?:confused:
Dear Ramesh,

This is not accepted by INS (as per my understanding from my lawyer).

2ndly, I'd advise to spare some time and look at threads on this forum on this topic. You will find urself getting over-educated.
I searched the forum and found few postings on this subjects. There is no firm reply weather this BC is acceptable or not. Couple of persons have quoted that there cases approved with consulate BC. One person got RFE. Others are speculating that it may or may not be acceptable. So my assesment is that if possible we should follow the conventional path (BC from municipality or 2 affidavits + non-availabity certificate). I have talked to few persons and they have mentioned that in India it is easier to get BC from municipality based on affidavit than to get non-availablity certificate. (Please note that I said its EASIER.)

More insight in this matter would be highly appreciated.

- Ramesh