Birth Certificate - Affadavit Issue


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Hello Everyone.

MY concurrent processing is to be done from Vermont. I do not have my birth certificate. I have relatives who are US citizens. I remember reading somewhere that if one does not have a birth certificate one can provide two notarized affadavits from US citizens as proof.

Kindly guide me if that is correct or will I need a notarized birth certificate from my parents in India.

My thanks for your guidance.
dreams_n_work said:
Hello Everyone.

MY concurrent processing is to be done from Vermont. I do not have my birth certificate. I have relatives who are US citizens. I remember reading somewhere that if one does not have a birth certificate one can provide two notarized affadavits from US citizens as proof.

Kindly guide me if that is correct or will I need a notarized birth certificate from my parents in India.

My thanks for your guidance.

getting any birth related documents from US Citizens wont help u
my friend :)

contact ur parents and get ur BC ASAP or get an affidvait
showing ur DOB...check many threads elsewhere on these topics.
dreams_n_work said:
Hello Everyone.

MY concurrent processing is to be done from Vermont. I do not have my birth certificate. I have relatives who are US citizens. I remember reading somewhere that if one does not have a birth certificate one can provide two notarized affadavits from US citizens as proof.

Kindly guide me if that is correct or will I need a notarized birth certificate from my parents in India.

My thanks for your guidance.

If those US citizens were present at the time of birth or if they have the knowledge about your birth then you can use that. But it is always preferred to have it from parents or close relatives.
Thanks for the replies.

One is my brother who is elder to me by ten years and was present at my birth. Another will be his close friend who is ten years senior to me and has known me since my birth.

Both are US citizens. Is that good enough or does one need an affadavit from parents in India.

Thanks for guiding me.
fast_gc_seeker said:
getting any birth related documents from US Citizens wont help u
my friend :)

If your US citizen relatives were present around when and where you were born, they definitely can provide affidavits. It does not matter where they live now - USA, India or Antractica. They just have to follow their local notorized procedure. If they live in India - they need to provide affidavits on Rs 10 stamped papers. In USA, they can provide affidavits in plain white papers.
But yet, probably you need to get non-abailability certificate of India.
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pralay said:
If your US citizen relatives were present around when and where you were born, they definitely can provide affidavits. It does not matter where they live now - USA, India or Antractica. They just have to follow their local notorized procedure. If they live in India - they need to provide affidavits on Rs 10 stamped papers. In USA, they can provide affidavits in plain white papers.
But yet, probably you need to get non-abailability certificate of India.

To get an affidvait in US why do they need to be US Citizens?
dosent make sense at all...

when USCIS can accept affidvaits made by non-US citizens outside US then they'll definately accept affidvaits from non US citizens inside US.

BTW, somebody was telling me that affidvaits made by any countries
embassy in US is also acceptable.
fast_gc_seeker said:
To get an affidvait in US why do they need to be US Citizens?
dosent make sense at all....

Who said that someone has to be US citizen to provide affidavits?

fast_gc_seeker said:
when USCIS can accept affidvaits made by non-US citizens outside US then they'll definately accept affidvaits from non US citizens inside US.

Well, if my uncle, who was present when I was born, is currently living in USA why should I get affidavits from India. Don't you think it's easier and faster to make affidavits in USA than getting something from India?
dreams_n_work said:
One is my brother who is elder to me by ten years and was present at my birth. Another will be his close friend who is ten years senior to me and has known me since my birth.

That will probably work. I don't know what the age difference is between you and your brother, but probably it would be better if you get affidavits from someone who were adult when you were born. There is no rule that says that the affidavit provider has to be adult when you were born - but just to be safe.
pralay said:
Who said that someone has to be US citizen to provide affidavits?

Thats exactly what I was asking the poster? :)

pralay said:
Well, if my uncle, who was present when I was born, is currently living in USA why should I get affidavits from India. Don't you think it's easier and faster to make affidavits in USA than getting something from India?

absolutely, ur uncle will be faster than somebody overseas.
again thats exactly what I meant to say "when USCIS can accept affidvaits made by non-US citizens outside US then they'll definately accept affidvaits from non US citizens inside US" ie. affidvaits have nothing to do with
being US Citizen or non US Citizen.
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The person who has knowledge of the birth (other than parents) should have attained 18 years old at the time of your birth. Then, he can sign the affidavit. I read this somewhere. Consult your attorney.
RVG said:
The person who has knowledge of the birth (other than parents) should have attained 18 years old at the time of your birth. Then, he can sign the affidavit. I read this somewhere. Consult your attorney.

I am not sure if there is any rule like that. On the contrary the person has to be adult when he/she signs the affidavit.
Thank you friends for guiding me.

Kindly tell me if I could do the following.

I can get two affidavits from my relatives in US. I am born in 66. Do I need non-availability of birth also?

I can start my concurrent processing. A couple of months down the line I can manage the affadavit from my parents in India and also the non availability (if it is required). I can then send those over to my case file through my lawyer.

Is that a wise approach or is that unwise.

My thanks for your guidance.
dreams_n_work said:
I can get two affidavits from my relatives in US. I am born in 66. Do I need non-availability of birth also?

I can start my concurrent processing. A couple of months down the line I can manage the affadavit from my parents in India and also the non availability (if it is required). I can then send those over to my case file through my lawyer.

As you were born before 1969 I think you do not need non-availability certificate. I think you should file your application with US relative's affidavits.

In that case, you don't need to get affidavits from parents. In future if you get any RFE for this reason, then you can get affidavits from your parents. Otherwise sit tight. Why waste time and money.
dreams_n_work said:
Thank you friends for guiding me.

Kindly tell me if I could do the following.

I can get two affidavits from my relatives in US. I am born in 66. Do I need non-availability of birth also?

I can start my concurrent processing. A couple of months down the line I can manage the affadavit from my parents in India and also the non availability (if it is required). I can then send those over to my case file through my lawyer.

Is that a wise approach or is that unwise.

My thanks for your guidance.
U can definately take affidvaits from ur US based relatives.
what do u mean to say by 'non-availibility of birth'? does it mean
that ur birth was not registred?

also once u submit birth related docs to USCIS for ur 485, you dont
need to get it again from ur folks overseas.
fast_gc_seeker said:
does it mean
that ur birth was not registred?

In India, marriage and birth registration started from 1969. As he was born on 1966, it's apparent that his birth was not registered. Normally USCIS adjucators know these kind of information. That's why he does not need non-availability certificate.
dreams_n_work said:
Thank you friends for guiding me.

Kindly tell me if I could do the following.

I can get two affidavits from my relatives in US. I am born in 66. Do I need non-availability of birth also?

I can start my concurrent processing. A couple of months down the line I can manage the affadavit from my parents in India and also the non availability (if it is required). I can then send those over to my case file through my lawyer.

Is that a wise approach or is that unwise.

My thanks for your guidance.
As Pralay said Actually Department of states web site says you do not need birth certificate if you are born before 1970. During an Interview for some one from the in Texas they asked for Non availability certificate and the officer wanted to see that certificate. When they shown printout from the DOS he accepted and approved the GC. Folder/I/India.htm