Birth affidavits


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I need some help in clarifying doubts about birth affidavits.
Does birth affidavits need to have affiiant's (the person who is giving affidavits) date of birth and place birth details in it. I just have their name, age, relationship to me and current address.
Any suggestions will help.


I am not sure but i wud guess it is required cos the person who is giving the affidavit shud be 18 years of age or above at the time of our birth.
Re: Birth Affidavit.

Yes, the person who is signing the affidavit has to give his date and place of birth and how he is related to you(ex. relative friend, neighbor etc. ). They also should give their full names. Your name also should be spelled as it is in your records.

You need two of these affidavits from two differant people. Nothing like your parents giving it.

Please refer "" for more information on this issue.

Good Luck !
I completely second what Sachdev stated. You need to have their full name, DOB, POB and their complete address on the affidavits. Let me know if you need a format of the affidavits and I can post them over here or send them over to you via email. Good luck.
thanks for your response..

here is the wording from rfe letter ..

"any affidavits must contain the affiant's full name and address, date and place of birth, relationship to the party on whose behalf they are attesting, if any and complete details concerning how the affiant acquired knowledge of the event. "

"date and palce of birth " from above relates to who?

my attorney says afiants birth details are not required...

confused...:confused: ...please help...
I am sure you need afiants place and date of birth, I did it for my wife and I got them on there.

Even if it is not required having it on the affidavit with your name, pob and dob is not going to affect you in any negative manner.

This is just my opinion and not a substitute for professional/legal advise. Talk to your Attorney and make a decision.