Biometric and FP Apr2003 No GC yet Feb2007 any comments


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My 8 year old son finished his biometrics and FP April 2003. Now it is already Feb 2007. Nothing, no updates, no email, no hi, no hello and NO plastic card yet..

any suggestion I should do? Thanks a milllion
I think if you already have your green cards maybe you should make an info pass appointment to your local office to see what is happening.
If that does not give you any answers make an enquiry through a Senator

Maybe they lost his file or something.....could be anything
I am not sure but I dont think they do a background check for a minor ie under 14 yr old. Why would they even do his Finger Printing I dont understand.
If they are doing Back ground checks for 8 year olds then USCIS and FBi have thier hands full.......
I have not check if background is done. Can you please tell me how to check it?

Thanks a million to your kind assistance.