Bill introduced in congress to benefit illegals. Impact on legals.


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According to a connection in the US DOL, it seems that the infamous 245(i) law that granted amnesty to thousands (if not millions?) of illegals was one of the major reasons why I am - and probably you too - in the queue for years to get an employment based greencard.

Now I see that few days ago Sen. McCain introduced a bill in congress that upon approval, would grant temporary legal status to millions of illegal aliens, again. I am not going to debate here my position on illegal immigration, but I would like to warn you that chances are that massive visa processing for millions of illegals would most likely delay our visa processing time. While this whole process is premature and uncertain, I think people should be prepared in case this goes thru in the months ahead.

I wouldn't wait until this is approved to investigate and argue that it would delay our processing times. It would be too late. Watch out.
I am certain that this is the perfect time we need to raise our voice and let the whole capitol hear it in one way, DO SOMETHING FOR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. The whole mentality of congress is, legal is legal. They are getting the rights that they are suppose to. The sufferer is non-legal, where their rights has been taken out, and since they do illigal work, we are not getting the tax money out from them. This mentality has deep rooted these people and trying to show some libralism towards them. Now we have to suffer becuase of it. It takes so hard work just to stay in legal status in this country. If you are working, and god forbid something happen to you, and you could not go to work for several weeks, chances are you can get fired, and you only have few weeks to prevent your legal status. Right after you been kicked out of job with your box being escorted out of door, you are pronounced illegal. Even though you tried hard, and someday is mocking your accent, you just have to show them your teeth, and hide your feeling inside you, thinking that your immediate action will cause your dismisal even that its not your fault. People have tried so hard to come and be here and make this far, but one blow can finish it all, and next day the only thing you can think of is what next for you. So far I have seen only one person, Mr. Gephardt, whose immigation policy is to "Let tax-paying immigrants of 5 years become legal residents".

If this person would have ever been elected past year president run, we would have certainly see some improvement in immigration policy. As many says the immigration policy is discriminatory, and I agree it too. We need to voice up our concerns and let them ask where is the reform for people like us? What we have done wrong in the past that we are now being in constant pain? I am sure if we all can get along together, our voices will definately hit the walls of Capital, and we may see the brighter day, otherwise all I can see is dark street without any light, dont know where it is going to lead me to?

Sorry about the long post, but I could not stop myself. I apolozise.
New Law

Government will get money from both ends :-

1) Getting money from legal’s(DOCUMENTED ) to maintain there status.(Fees Tax Insurance etc.)
2) Getting money from illegal’s(NON DOCUMENTED ) to keep up there dream of becoming legal some day. (Fees Tax Insurance etc.)

On the other hand both these categories will pour money in the economy in the form of RENT and nonreplenishable investments, illigal’s will start keeping there money in the bank and will start buying there own car’s etc. Banking Finance and Insurance Industries will be happy to have 2 mill new customers.

So I would say this bill is pretty smart move.

Also This will give lawyers a perfect chance to make money.
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Not sure what you consider "Smart move"; that is subjective and it depends. Typically any move is smart when one gets benefitted directly from this.

From my perspective this just has potential to delay my application and I will be writing to senators about it. If they want to help immigrants, I wish they do something for my wife who has been on H-4 for four years without being able to work. She is honest and a tax payer, therefore she should deserve get her case processed first than illegal ones.

boniji said:
Government will get money from both ends :-

1) Getting money from legal’s(DOCUMENTED ) to maintain there status.(Fees Tax Insurance etc.)
2) Getting money from illegal’s(NON DOCUMENTED ) to keep up there dream of becoming legal some day. (Fees Tax Insurance etc.)

On the other hand both these categories will pour money in the economy in the form of RENT and nonreplenishable investments, illigal’s will start keeping there money in the bank and will start buying there own car’s etc. Banking Finance and Insurance Industries will be happy to have 2 mill new customers.

So I would say this bill is pretty smart move.

Also This will give lawyers a perfect chance to make money.
This new bill adding some more Visas but these are not enough to get EB3 cat become current.

It is benifit only when bill introduce to use unused Visas for demading catogery like EB3.
The Bill

I don't think it is fair to oppose the bill. I am happy for the illegals and I think they are lucky since they are fighting and doing something to regularize themselves. Sometime ago, they protested in Chicago while we sit here doing nothing. I believe you are all aware of the Canadian independent sponsored immigration for skill workers. I always wonder why nobody has ever try to bring this out on mass media attention in the U.S. I think we must take this issue to the journalists, they may help! We skilled workers having been working, paying tax, studied all our life, have lots to give to the U.S economy.... Still the so called employers sponsored .. is not even functioning. We are being treated as slaves by employers and by the Governnment. It is time we should involve the American immigration lawyers, Journalists, CNN, if possible, to change this horrible situation. We need the independent skilled worker sponsorship just like in Canada, if not better than that. Please lets do something.
It will not pass

There is strong opposition to amnesty and that's what this bill represents. It will never get through. As legal immigrants we should not support criminal activity and immigrationl aws were broken. ;)
It may pass.

It won't pass if fair-minded people decides to speak up. If we do nothing, it may pass because the lobby from the illegal immigration side is huge and very active. Those are two important qualities that our legal, professional work community don't have by the way.

The Real ID Act passed just because fair-minded Americans are starting to wake up for this problem.

corr@john123456 said:
There is strong opposition to amnesty and that's what this bill represents. It will never get through. As legal immigrants we should not support criminal activity and immigrationl aws were broken. ;)
mumba said:
I don't think it is fair to oppose the bill.
Since you brought up this, I tell you what I think about it:
I worked really, really hard to come to the US. I came from a poor family and studied English mostly on my own. I studied engineering and worked at night to pay the school. Then finally I was successful in an interview to work in the US five years ago. The part that makes me really, really concerned is that now every week I see people from 'bad neighborhoods' in South America simply arriving here in my community. Recently a car was stolen -and according to our neighbor- it was done by one of the fellows that is coming from this South America neighborhood I just mentioned. We are starting to see lots of problems with late night drinking and other bad habits that I prefer away from. Honestly, I don't think it is fair let this type of people get legalized and living here. One of the reasons - and this is a logical one - is because by rewarding illegal activity that will just open the doors for more illegals to come. This is not the place I wanted to live in and I am not about to move to Sweden just because people is letting the borders wide open for people of questionable backgrounds simply walk, get in and degenerate my community. I think it is wise oppose the bill. I have tons of other motives to believe that the sympathy and rewarding of illegal 'immigration' is negative.

mumba said:
I don't think it is fair to oppose the bill. I am happy for the illegals and I think they are lucky since they are fighting and doing something to regularize themselves. Sometime ago, they protested in Chicago while we sit here doing nothing. I believe you are all aware of the Canadian independent sponsored immigration for skill workers. I always wonder why nobody has ever try to bring this out on mass media attention in the U.S. I think we must take this issue to the journalists, they may help! We skilled workers having been working, paying tax, studied all our life, have lots to give to the U.S economy.... Still the so called employers sponsored .. is not even functioning. We are being treated as slaves by employers and by the Governnment. It is time we should involve the American immigration lawyers, Journalists, CNN, if possible, to change this horrible situation. We need the independent skilled worker sponsorship just like in Canada, if not better than that. Please lets do something.

I would like to say marlon2006 it is a smart move because it helps in keeping the dream of every body alive, and all focused on one goal of getting the Permanent status.
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Welcome to Bush administration's second term. In first term he had allowed illegals from south america to get legalized. They were given a deadline of Apr 2001 to apply for that. Thanks to this great move, labor certification application for millions of legals including me got stuck for 3 years. I made a mistake when I thought I will come here legally, get good education and work honestly. I should ahve come here hiding in a truck, done some illegal work and somehow survived to see the grand welcome standing laughing, ahead of all legals. Hey after all, well educated and honest hard working people are available in plenty. That's not what we need. We prefer illegal aliens.
It is just plain Politics.

Hi, Affected & Agitated,

Democracy, in whichever part of the world, has this Drawback.

People in Power, Play Popular (often unethical) strokes to remain in Power.

Real ID Act was passed because more voting people were concerned on the use of depleting resources towards illegals, specially today when the deficit is going from bad to worse.

Anyone can initiate action, but often requires mass movement to appeal to the handful Politicians.

Till then, wait for the day, wait for your voting rights, keep your momentum then and keep your patience for now.

Good luck.

EB3, India
RD Apr.04
140 ??