Big people blast immigration process

Can you please explain what you mean by "Middlemen" and "bench periods." That would be great so I understand you entire argument.
Interesting. I thought that you could not even work as a contractor on an H-1B. I thought H-1B was only for full time, "permanent," non-contracting jobs.
hacksmith said:
Also, 20,000 should be limited to the Middlemen whereas 65,000 should be allowed for only Full-Time Employment. Just because India has got Billion People, why should USA accomodate the Visa Numbers, just as the same with China...?

I am a full time employee of a company and I have to travel because that company has clients all over US. They do business everywhere, we build and maintain software for various companies. Would you call my company middlemen? I am a full time employee of that company. Sometime my company A has to go through some other company B which then send me to client C, would you call company B as middleman? Why ?I am still full time employee, point is there is no way to define who is middleman and who is consultant, all H1Bs are full time employee of company holding there H1, its just that they have to travel because that company has client there.

USA does not want to accomodate billion people from India, USA wants cheap labor who work long hours without complaining and without additional pay, it's not like billion people from India/China are here illegally, they are here because US government asked them to be here, they verified at consulate that you are wanted in US. Same as outsourcing, its not like people from India/China are sneaking into US at nights and stealing jobs and no one knows about it, its because CEOs and CTOs of companies want to save money for themselves, so they just send jobs oversee without worrying about local economy.
hacksmith said:
Well, the truth is that, Bill Gates is Wrong, and Congress is right. With outsourcing and other factors (unemployed US IT labor), the limit on H1-B is justified. The Unscrupulous Middlemen take away all the H1-B Quota, and for a fact Have tons of H1-B People on their Benches. For a fact, People file H1-B's like Grocery Coupons in market, and many Individuals file multiple No. of H1-B's. The Truly deserving Advanced degree Holders seeking Full-Time Employment Don't have the H1-B Numbers for capture and hence this furor is seen in the IT Industry. These Middlemen Promote Unhealthy Atmoshphere by faking Resumes. The only way to end this Issue is to Stop Encouraging Bench Periods on H1-B and this would solve the Problem. Also, 20,000 should be limited to the Middlemen whereas 65,000 should be allowed for only Full-Time Employment. Just because India has got Billion People, why should USA accomodate the Visa Numbers, just as the same with China...?

I do not agree with you.Do you know what is the siginificance of H1b?
Do you know what is the contribution of H1B Visa holders to USA since 1996?
I cannot beleive that people jump to conclusions and just post their opinions in the forum.

H1b people are very much legal in USA.There is a stringent process now in place for H1B. All people are screened , background checked and verified before they are granted a H1b visa.

H1B proffesionals pay taxes very much like you and any other person.Also,most of H1B proffesionals who return back to their home do not get reimbursed with the Social Security money that is cut from their paycheck.Don't you think that they contribute this money for the welfare of the seniors of USA?

Who says that billion indian people want to come to USA?Wake up Mr.hacksmith...I think you are lacking latest news around the world..In the age of Globalisation,I cant beleieve people like you with a narrow mind can post opinions that are blown out of context.

And FYI,please try to understand why corporate america seeks H1B proffesionals .Also,as far as outsourcing is concerned,there is lot of hue and cry about it.When you preach Globalisation,dont you think it will come around?Have you thought of the revenue that USA earns from selling weapons , Cola branded products since 1970's, branded products.....Nobody in India cried about American goods taking over the market...Do you know how much India has been Americanised?

If you at all want to voice your concerns,voice against those illegal immigrants who earn money in USA but do not bother to pay taxes and social security.
hacksmith said:
Now, what we are talking here is "COMPETITION" that US residents have to compete with low cost countries for Jobs.
Now think about this for a minute, inorder to meet the daily needs, the buying power for food and other products here in the US, definitely calls for salaries consistent with the current living standards. When outsourcing jobs, this factor is not considered.

Outsourcing, having to compete with low cost countries for jobs, H1Bs these are all created by Americans for their own advantage. If your problem is outsourcing and H1B then you need to take that to CEOs and CTOs of all these companies, most of which are AMERICAN citizen. People here are just trying to have a good living by working hard and all of them are doing that legally by paying all kinds of wierd taxes.
If you think your salary is not up to market or you are affected by outsourcing then there is no point in whining on this forum, you are in wrong place to complain, take that to your manager, vice president, CEO and ask them to stop outsourcing and hiring H1Bs. If they stopped doing that I am sure you would see less of us in here and that would solve your problem. But if they want to hire H1Bs and continue to outsource then there is very little this site could do for you.