Bhatti did you receive your rfe?

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Bhatti pl post any updates.
Did you call IIO recently?
My rfe was generated same day as yours and most probably not mailed out yet
Dd you receive your rfe?
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 I did not receive any RFE related document from VSC or ESC so far. Please let me know if you have received one.

Thanks in advance.
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Thanks for your reply bhatti.
I did not receive anything either.
As of this Monday July 02 VSC had not mailed out my rfe.
In fact it had not even been typed
If you call them pl check as to which date\'s rfe they are currently
mailing out.
They told me June 20 when I last checked.
All the above info I recd from VSC.
I do not have contact with ESC since I am not from Igate.
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Thanks for your info. Sorry for mistaking you for an IGATE employee. Let us hope these RFEs are for usual things like pay stub geographic info etc.. It is really frustating even after the amended I-140 is approved, these guys issued an RFE and delaying for anothe 4-6 months. Now a days I stopped thinking about it.