Bhanu Kuchibhotla - Approved! (As per AVM message)

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Congrats !! Absolutely fantastic stuff. Hope you have a wonderful after-GC career.
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Let me be the 44th respondant. Bhanu, I wish you all the best to you. From what little I\'ve known about you, you are a smart cookie, and will succeed in live.

Wishing you very happy belated birthday. Have a party!!

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Hi Bhanu, Congrats and Many Happy Returns of the Day. We are all going to miss you.

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   I am touched by all your well wishes.. like I promised before, I shall stick around in the board and continue to support this board (in
   my words "LIFELINE"). My personal e-mail is BHANSHAN@HOTMAIL.COM and please fell free to ask me any questions and I
   shall answer them to the best of my knowledge..

   Thanks a lot again
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Congrats and belated happy birthday! This is definitely is the best news of the day. Your immense contribution will be remembered for a very long time. It is very kind of you to be available for help.

Your story with INS hurdles was espeically touching. I am sure you will be a good employer. Good luck to you.

Thanks again for all your help.
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Hi Bhanu,

Congratulations and Happy Birthyday!!!!!!!!!!1

Very happy for you. Good luck
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Congrats Bhanu.... Good luck.
Thanks for giving moral support to whoever needed on this board.
Wish you all the best.
We\'ll miss you on this Board!

- shrini100.
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Thanks a bunch for your wonderful contributions to this site. We will miss all your knowledge in immigration issues. I request you please keep visit this whenever you find some time to clarify the questions to needy people.

Wishing you and your family a very bright future and please accept my Late Birthday wishes. WISH YOU A WONDERFUL HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
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This forum has benefited a lot from your frequent inputs.

Hope you would continue to share your knowledge on immigration.

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Congrats Bhanu. Feel bad hearing all the hoops you went through to get the GC. Hope you enjoy it to the fullest.