better not to be approved now !!!!!!!!!

Paper Gate

New Member
It is well known that INS will issue the detailed AC-21 rules in March, which would allow 485 waiters of more than 180 days to switch jobs. Even if INS fails to do so, on March 14, it will be more than 180 days anyway, from the day AC-21 was signed by the previous president (and so, the expected rule details will be no longer relevant).

Therefor, this is the argument: if your 485 is not approved in March, you shall be able to freely switch job after March 14. However, if your case is approved before March 14, you will be obligated to work for your current sponsor for at least another 90 day!

Therefor, isn\'t true that it\'s BETTER your case not to be approved now (but you will be approved, let\'s say, in April, when you have a job you enjoy at the same time!) Gurus please comment on this.
No Title

Hello atoz ,
1. The rule was signed on Oct 17 and 180 days are getting over on April 17.
2. There is no legal requirement to work for the company after GC??
Though 3-6 mothns are ok.
3. The behaviour of the company will not be the same onec you get your GC? I mean they will listento you if they are not now.
4. How do you say people will start using it without INS clarification ?

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Gurus have more detailed insight: what will be the impact of AC 21 on those who received 485 approval after waiting 180 or more days? Another words, how many days they are still obligated to work for the company who sponsored the GC application?
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Like mira mentioned, the 180 days will be over only in mid april and NOT mid march - actually, on April 16th. I feel that anybody can switch employers after Apr 16th, whether or not their GCs were approved or not, because there is no logic to saying that GC holders have to wait for a while, but people who still are waiting for their GCs can move about freely.
But then again, it is not advisable to switch just for the sake of switching, I would advice switching only after the INS publishes its FINAL regulations on AC21....
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But if I remember correctly, the AC 21 law text only says those in 485 pending status for over 180 days are allowed to switch job. It does not says explicitly those who gets approved after 180 days waiting time will be entitled the same benifit. So, are we sure about the mentioned impact?
No Title

Folks ... I have a question... Are there any chances of INS relating the job change after 180 days to the PDs becoming current? To be clear ... Is it that INS allows candidates whose PD is current and whose application is pending more than 180 days because of slow processing of INS are only allowed to switch the jobs??? Any comments???
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Yes U r that idiot Fuck u twice done.Wanna more? U stupid indians, our pakis will fuck u all!!!!!!!
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Hey U, whoever the Hell you are, just take your Green Card and pay a visit to your country China, I am sure you have not seen your friends and relatives in years, since you came to this country (> 10 years ago), and while you are there you can see the prosperity of Taiwan, and look at the all the Tall buildings of Taipai from whichever province you come from, and you can call your paki friend to fire a missile at those buildings last time they missed by 10 miles, this times they will land in your own country....
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hahahahahahahahahah, idiot! My name really disguse myself, u foolish indian pig!

Let the stupid Chinese fired missile to Indian too, so you guys will have another taste of earthquake.

U like be fucked, huh? Let\'s do it.....
No Title

hahahahahahahahahah, idiot! My name really disguse myself, u foolish indian pig!

Let the stupid Chinese fired missile to Indian too, so you guys will have another taste of earthquake.

U like be fucked, huh? Let\'s do it.....
No Title

I said u r stupid.

You really think "this guy" has been approved???????????????????

U idiot, u won\'t get you GC forever.........
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good let\'s fuck u mother first. I \'d like to taste your mom\'s pussy!

U india pigs!!!!Fight agaist your Paki dad? Wait, let me lunch one more missle to your asshole,you son of bitch!!!!!Good enough?