Best POE for rapid receipt of plastic card


Registered Users (C)
People have stated that all plastic cards are processed through TSC for CP applicants after arriving at POE.

However, has anybody noticed a trend in some POEs resulting in quicker receipt of the plastic card than others?

For example I have heard that following entry in Los Angeles (LAX airport) it can take very long to get the plastic card - but people who have entered from JFK in New York usually get it within 2-3 weeks.

I am trying to plan my flights for the upcoming interview (if all goes well) - would just like to know if anyone has any interesting information.

Anybody have any input? If there are trends that certain POEs result in quicker plastic card receipt - I am sure that would be very helpfull to all upcoming CPers.
Thank you jaydeep. That thread is indeed helpful. It seems that DOE to PC receipt takes about 1 month on average - does not seem to correlate at all with specific POE.

Has anybody used Los Angeles (LAX) as a POE recently? Any problems or specific issues?
I agree with u. Now a days for CP cases one should expect welcome letter/card by 3rd/4th week.

I entered from SFO. No problem at all. It was as easy as one could think of. Got welcome letter today (its 3rd week).