Best Place to relocate in USA after GC.

Immg-Jck said:
Romney is,
Republican: YES
Conservative: NO

That depends where you set the bar. If your bar is Pat Buchanan, then obviously he is not conservative.

Immg-Jck said:
Kerry could never get voted from any state other than Taxachusetts. That's because the state loves to raise Taxes. Kerry has voted in the Senate to raise taxes hundreds of time.

Don't know how much you know about MA. MA is just like other states - NY, CA, Texas where most of the urban areas are liberal (in general) and rest of the states is pretty conservative (and that applies on Texas too). I guess you listened so much your favorite monkey that you drained your own brain.

Immg-Jck said:
The American people did well in rejecting Kerry the Taxachusett liberal on November 2nd. It is time for Kerry to learn about fiscal conservatisim, else risk being jobless soon.

Your favorite monkey is NOT fiscal conservative either. And, guess what, he does not know mathematics either and cannot admit that he does not know.
The American people voted Bush because he is the only one capable of saving the economy from all the late-90s binge started during Clinton administration. If Clinton had spent little less time with Monica, and little more time working on economy and terrorist, we would be in better shape. Kudos to Bush for his excellent job and kudos to American people for recoganizing the importance of giving Bush 4 more years on job.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
neither candiadate put up fiscally conservative policies

I don't think either candidate was serious about reducing the $700 billion twin deficits of current account (trade) and budgetory deficit. The election was decided mainly on "moral issues" as shown by the exit polls that showed that this issue was important to the largest group of voters over Iraq, economy, jobs etc.

The currency markets immediately discounted the dollar to an all time low (1.296 euro) because they could only see the feds inreasing its bonds issue to fuel the need for the ever growing federal deficits. In this scenario either the interest rates have to increase or the dollar needs to be discounted to make it worthwhile for the world to buy our bonds.

The foreign debt will no doubt have to be paid one day by our grandchildren or worse in our life time when we retire. I don't think the world will continue to lend us money at rates below inflation rates.

Bush definitely has better policies on fighting the scourge of terrorism than Kerry but is no better than Kerry on fiscal discipline. Kerry would have increased taxes and spent more money, Bush is giving away tax cuts AND increasing expenditure at alarming rates. If I was a citizen now I would have a tough choice - on second thoughts, I would probably have voted for Bush just as I voted for the conservatives in the recent Australian federal election. Security is more important right now and the Democrats (and labor in Australia) have not given the confidence that they would not give in to international and minority pressures for taking necessary action.

Under these circumstances it does not matter which state you live in:)

Immg-Jck said:
The American people voted Bush because he is the only one capable of saving the economy from all the late-90s binge started during Clinton administration. If Clinton had spent little less time with Monica, and little more time working on economy and terrorist, we would be in better shape. Kudos to Bush for his excellent job and kudos to American people for recoganizing the importance of giving Bush 4 more years on job.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
Immg-Jck said:
If Clinton had spent little less time with Monica, and little more time working on economy and terrorist, we would be in better shape.

And your favorite monkey is so slow read/understand/think that in last four year he actually completed the amount of work that is done by a normal people in four months. May be he should choose a different planet where the length of day is not 24 hour, but 250 hours. That's way he would be able to finish his work in four years.
brb2 said:
If I was a citizen now I would have a tough choice - on second thoughts, I would probably have voted for Bush just as I voted for the conservatives in the recent Australian federal election. Security is more important right now and the Democrats (and labor in Australia) have not given the confidence that they would not give in to international and minority pressures for taking necessary action.

If your theory was correct then Israel would be the safest place to live. You would be surprised to see the history and reality is lot different from ideology and cultural emotion.
And, the countries in this world that are less plural are in general less prosperous (and unsafe too). You may call it "minority pressure" (probably you just expressed your "true mind").
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pralay said:
If your theory was correct then Israel would be the safest place to live. You would be surprised to see the history and reality is lot different from ideology and cultural emotion.
And, the countries in this world that are less plural are in general less prosperous (and unsafe too). You may call it "minority pressure" (probably you just expressed your "true mind").

Israel was never a "safe" place to live - neither under labor nor Likud party. Israel and US can not be compared because the situations are completely different just as we can't compare "authoratarian" Singapore with Netherlands.

I think you are considering a very limited version of "minority" in considering just religion or race. Words such as diversity and minority should not be related to race or religeon only. I was suggesting that conservative governments in general are known to forcefully safeguard national interest without kowtowing to special interests (better word than "minority"). So one can be a minority in belonging to a tax group above incomes of $200k and still be "majority" when grouped under race or religeon or one who hunts.

I personally don't label myself as a democrat or republican but would consider each party based on the circumstances and challanges facing the nation at the time and who is best suited to address these in the immediate future. I will have to wait for the next presidential election to excericize my vote:)
brb2 said:
Israel was never a "safe" place to live - neither under labor nor Likud party. Israel and US can not be compared because the situations are completely different just as we can't compare "authoratarian" Singapore with Netherlands.

Well, I have not compared countries in general anyway. So country to country comparison does not come to picture at all. I just compared just the policies of US and Israel which is very similar when it comes to counter-terrorism. And I don't think they give any fruitful result - neither for Israel nor for USA.

brb2 said:
I think you are considering a very limited version of "minority" in considering just religion or race. Words such as diversity and minority should not be related to race or religeon only. I was suggesting that conservative governments in general are known to forcefully safeguard national interest without kowtowing to special interests (better word than "minority"). So one can be a minority in belonging to a tax group above incomes of $200k and still be "majority" when grouped under race or religeon or one who hunts.

First of all, this conclusion is extra-ordinary. If this is the version of "minority", then so-called conservatives are more sold out to "minority" than so-called non-conservatives. (I am using "so-called" because I doubt they are "true" conservative). They are sold out to any special-interest group that has lots of money. NRA is "majority"? I don't think so. Drug industry is majority? I don't think so. Energy industry is majority? I don't think so. The great plain was sold to big agricultural industry. Is it for the interest "majority" farmers of great plain? I don't think so. Nationalism start from one's own home and it's matter of everyday life, culture and hence local office/federal govt policy. Selling "nationalism" in the name of "security" is a fraud.

Secondly, I don't think ALL the conservatives in world are in same mold. But it's a fact that when it come to deal with international conflicts, the most hardline subborn policies (most of the time held by "so-called" conservatives, but there are lots of exceptions in past) is considered "nationalism" or "patriotism". Is that for true national interest? I most of the cases.

Thirdly, 10 years back (or even before that) so-called conservatives used to say that they don't care what's going to other parts of the world. Now, the same guys are preaching about "nation building" (they used to label the same thing as "liberal romanticism" in past). Then I start wondering what is the definition of "conservatism" exactly.
JoeF said:
Clinton, regardless of all his flaws, at least managed to leave office with a budget surplus.

So-called conservatives take credit for that too, because that was the time of Newt Gingrich's house. Now the house is acting just opposite. That is acually called "flip-flop".
Clinton left the house with a lot of stains.

Clinton had nothing to do with budget surplus.

American people elected Bush because he is more responsible than the liberal "tax and spend" fat cats.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
Immg-Jak said:
Clinton left the house with a lot of stains.

Clinton had nothing to do with budget surplus.

American people elected Bush because he is more responsible than the liberal "tax and spend" fat cats.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.

Well, republicans have been "tax cuts AND spend" to date. Not one pork barrelling bills were vetoed by Bush. I think both parties are happy for the agenda to be focussed on abortion & pro-choice (and Iraq) so there are no hard questions on their plans for the economy, jobs, trade, fiscal deficit and the rest.
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brb2 said:
Well, republicans have been "tax cuts AND spend" to date. Not one pork barrelling bills were vetoed by Bush. I think both parties are happy for the agenda to be focussed on abortion & pro-choice (and Iraq) so there are no hard questions on their plans for the economy, jobs, trade, fiscal deficit and the rest.

Bush spoke at length about economy, jobs, trade, fiscal dificit and the rest. I did not hear much about abortion, which leads me to think you have been watching TV channels authorized by PP.

After getting elected, Bush laid out his priorities for next 4 years, which includes Social Security reform and Tax Code simplification. And ofcourse, he will clean up Iraq of those hand-core Islamic terrorists.

Sit back, relax and watch Bush do the job which American people re-elected him to do. If you don't like it, the Canadian border is not too far away. You could always immigrate to Canada or France. Is there a good immigration forum for those liberals who want to immigrate to that country?

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
JoeF said:
Why don't you post your political crap somewhere else? We don't want that here.
Oh, and stop morphing screen handles. You don't gain intelligence through that.
You already got banned several times, first as dsfgh100 and then multiple times as immg-*.

Joef, in case you did not notice.... this is immigration forum. This is not the place for your hateful discourse. Get that?

Oh by the way... Here is the link to Canadian immigration information:

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
Since we love statistics.......

More Americans voted for Bush in 2004 than they ever did for Clinton during his two election fiascos.

Bush in 2004: 59,424,706
Clinton in 1996: 47,402,357
Clinton in 1992: 44,908,254

On 9/11.

Number of years it was planned: Atleast 5 years
In those 5 years, Clinton President for 4 years and 2 months, Bush President for 10 months.

On economy,

Budget balanced by: Newt Gingrich and Republicans, Contract with America 1994
Clinton affair with Monica starts: 1994

November 2nd 2004. A Great Leader of the Greatest Nation is re-elected for Four More Years.
Coming back to the discussion of the original thread .. best place to relocate - what is the opinion of people living in Austin, Houston and Dallas - how is it as far as schooling, jobs, flight connections, traffic congestion, housing
i wouldnt suggest MA. we came from NJ, PA then MA. and 2 b honest w/ n my wife r not a fan of MA, it just so happen that she got a job here. we were surprised of the so many taxes here in MA compared to NJ and PA. and the cost of living is so much higher than the 2 states. houses are too costly, comparable to NJ, PA or even CA nowadays. and the position of MA is not good geographically. its too cold, MA has minimal nearby states obviously (if u look @ the map, its kinda near the corner). if u love visiting other states, MA has poor location. schools, i dont have any idea. jobs? IT skills, not too much depends on ur skills. we would prefer tri-state area for IT jobs. we wouldnt go back 2 NJ too, too crowdy nowadays, high cost of living, terrible traffic. if you would compare all of these 4 states above, the tri-state area stands out for IT jobs availability. we're planning 2 move out of state preferably TX (low cost of living, IT jobs OK too)...dont take my word 100%, but ask for other suggestions. good luck!