Immg-Jck said:Romney is,
Republican: YES
Conservative: NO
That depends where you set the bar. If your bar is Pat Buchanan, then obviously he is not conservative.
Immg-Jck said:Kerry could never get voted from any state other than Taxachusetts. That's because the state loves to raise Taxes. Kerry has voted in the Senate to raise taxes hundreds of time.
Don't know how much you know about MA. MA is just like other states - NY, CA, Texas where most of the urban areas are liberal (in general) and rest of the states is pretty conservative (and that applies on Texas too). I guess you listened so much your favorite monkey that you drained your own brain.
Immg-Jck said:The American people did well in rejecting Kerry the Taxachusett liberal on November 2nd. It is time for Kerry to learn about fiscal conservatisim, else risk being jobless soon.
Your favorite monkey is NOT fiscal conservative either. And, guess what, he does not know mathematics either and cannot admit that he does not know.