Best of Luck to JULY16


Good luck buddy....
I know tomorrow is ur day..... go and get it man...
We all know u'll get it....
Go get it :)
All the very best man
My dear Extended Family

I have no words to express my gratitude
In fact I have taken a Day off today
I am scared about tomorrow
Dont know whats gonna happen
have no clue whatsoever

I know this is hard to believe
but since 7am this morning
me and my better half
have been surfing this forum
have seen all your good postings
and your wishes
Do I deserve all this wishes
and all this support

No matter what happens tomorrow
I am gonna be a Follower
of this forum no matter what

I know you wont believe this
but at this time I have
Tears in my eyes
I didnt get this kind of support
even from my immediate family
that I got from this forum


I will post my details ASAP
All the best to you July 16.
You have been a model of patience for all of us other GC sufferers.
Re: My dear Extended Family

Man Don't worry. You will get it!
A lot of guys have good vibration for you so you don't need to worry.
I pary for you and will be more happy to see your approval than seeing my approval.

Good luck

Originally posted by july16
I have no words to express my gratitude
In fact I have taken a Day off today
I am scared about tomorrow
Dont know whats gonna happen
have no clue whatsoever

I know this is hard to believe
but since 7am this morning
me and my better half
have been surfing this forum
have seen all your good postings
and your wishes
Do I deserve all this wishes
and all this support

No matter what happens tomorrow
I am gonna be a Follower
of this forum no matter what

I know you wont believe this
but at this time I have
Tears in my eyes
I didnt get this kind of support
even from my immediate family
that I got from this forum


I will post my details ASAP

Don't woooory so much pal. I remember that your case has a few complications and hence a lawyer will be present at the interview.

If a lawyer is present there should be no problems for you guys.

Once again the BEST OF LUCK!! Keep your head high no matter what happens.

nagsp (Eagerly waiting of my interview at newark on the 21st)
USA should declare a national holiday

on OCT 18th :) :) Except for INS so that they can work and get our cases approved

Good luck!!
july 16

Good luck buddy and best wishes for your interview.

Aur aap ka mithai ka intezaar rahengha... :)
God Bless You July16, I said a little prayer for you, make a check list of what you will have to take .. You r such a nice person.. you will do just fine.

asdasd , that is so nice of you to remember his interview date.. keep up the good work
good luck, july16

You will get it, that is for sure, so no need to feel any pressure.

Don't forget to bring all the papers and be there on time.
July 16 will get his gc stamp today, I have a feeling.
I pray to god that his interview is smooth sailing and he comes out smiling relieved of this 1000 ton load from top of him....
May be we can have a big party once all old timers are approved...
What Can I say

I am Flabbergasted
This has been such a wonderful forum
and a very compassionate thread
all doubts that I had have Vanished
with so many wishes and prayers
how can anyone ever fail

You guys have given me so much love
and wishes and prayers
I dont know how I am Gonna repay you guys
Nothing can repay those gestures
I have always tried to share my experiences
to the best of my knowledge
and will continue to do so

I would like at this time to thank
from the bottom of my heart
all the participants of this forum
for their support and advises
and also for their Criticism
Coz I know I have erred at times
and to err is Human

No matter what happens tomorrow
I may be denied
I may be rejected
But I will Appeal and fight
I will not give up
Because of my kids future

But if I do get approved
it will be only because of my well wishers
and their prayers and wishes
on this forum
and for that I will be Grateful
until Eternity

Like I said earlier
Had taken the day off today
just to relax
and prepare myself mentally
for the Interview tomorrow
my lawyer is gonna be there

I know I am Ranting now
Dont blame me
I am scared and worried
15 hours and counting

Wish me luck

U have all U could do...
U have paid the fine of 1000 $ each for UR self and UR Wife..
U have made arrangements for a Lawyer to accompany U to the interview..

So dont worry...

Also dont be surprised, if they just take UR passport and stamp it and give back...
No Questions asked...Wont it be wonderful??

I am sure...U will go thru...
BEST OF LUCK...Let us know...
Best of luck

wish u all the best for interview.

For good people always good things happen eventually..
July16, good luck and have a good night sleep!! You will get it and why not with all the good wishes from us :D :D You have gone through tough times and tomorrow will present you with a fresh life free of this turbulent, frustrating, nerve-racking wait!! Sending a horse shoe your way!! :D :D

Good luck buddy,
Best wishes


I'm a first time poster.

I wanted to wish you the best as you proceed to meet the officer for what is most likely to be a formality. I have enjoyed your postings, I find you are very helpful to others and lace this forum with a flair that is entertaining and makes those queued to repeatedly visit and eventually contribute. They are not interested in approval messages they come to see posts of people like July16. Where in their readings they'll find wisdom, patience and always compassion or generousity towards others and lately plenty of laughter.

I was inspired to share my feelings with you whom I don't know but based on your postings I find you to be an honourable gentleman, a man whose and others documentation characterizes him to be a citizen of dignity and high moral character. Soon America will be proud to call you its own.

God bless you and your family.

Wishing you success.

wish you good luck

good luck july 16

dont worry, its just a formality, i have been through this. and i know words for that.......just be confident tommorrow.

good luck again