Best of Luck to JULY16


Registered Users (C)
JULY16 goes for Interview on the 18th......
Wish U all the Luck......

We will be anxiously waiting for UR message on 18th Telling us about UR approval..

Good luck July16

We wish you the very best. YOu have gone through a lot. Will surely check the forum tomorrow to hear from you.
success guranteed for July16

Number 9 is most important number
Number 5 is the number for Guru

So, rest assured July16, you will come back successful. May GOD BLESS you with Success.

Wish you the best of Luck. 18th Oct 2002 will be the best day in your life.

Hoping for the same on 21st Oct 2002.

My best Wishes for you, July16. Tomorrow should be your day. Will wait for your good news.

God bless you!!!
Good luck.

Where are you Man? I didn't see any post from you since yesterday? This interview doesn't need any preparation, They are not going to ask you any technical questions... :D :D :D

You will make it. Congrats in advence.
Best of luck

July16 - I am sure tomorrow will be your day. I pray God that your interview will be succesful.