Being Gentle is turning into be Foolish in this World.


Registered Users (C)
***Being Gentle is turning into be Foolish in this World.

Mr sbctsublc wants more contributions for :

I suggest him :

to post his valuable and one of the MOST useful information ( weekly scan results of case statuses )...
ONLY on this new URL
And restrict access only to paid members. :eek::eek::eek:

People are insensitive and shameless.
( including me. I am "forced" to behave like these creatures)

Being a Gentle is turning into be Foolish in this World.:D:D
FYI, sbctsublc is not even core action team member of But he started campaigning for funds without any request from others, probably we all should follow his path.

We all should appreciate the efforts of sbctsublc. I follow his I-485 report even after I-485 approval.

I don't think we can make such report available only for paid members because I've seen nasty comments when Kashmir and others requested the forum members to join the community efforts to receive Project Kashmir report(I-485 CSC report).
Re: ***Being Gentle is turning into be Foolish in this World.

Originally posted by 101amshantanub
People are insensitive and shameless.
Being a Gentle is turning into be Foolish in this World.:D:D

Thanks for supporting the new organization. I thank all those who have supported / contributed to the new organization. Unfortunately a vast majority of the people have not realized the importance of joining this effort.

I would like to explain one of my observations in my life. Where ever there is a movement or good effort, only a few people will join it and the rest of others go about their own business. In the short run, those who have taken part in these movements will suffer in their careers and those who have taken care of themselves instead of wasting time in the movements, have all been quite successful. But over the period of time, the people who have answered the call of the duty in their past, are the ones who have reached higher positions. God gives them opportunities at appropriate time. So those who have contributed, can have the satisafaction of having done done their duty :) . As for others, i hope they will join us soon.
The total collection has reached $8000
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Little siggestion, if you don't mind. I guess people would contribute more willingly if you could post on your website what activities exactly you are planning, and how much they cost.

Maybe you can create something like: Activity - MoneyNeeded - MoneyCollected page.

Right now, you otherwise useful web site shows only planned activities, that does not really tell specifics.

Still, you are doing a great job! I wish there would be more people like you
When we prepared the content for the web site, some members wanted to post a detailed report of our plans, exactly the way you asked for it. I have even prepared a detailed document. Then some other members felt that we should not provide all those details because if we fail to do do all those things due to lack of funds, then we may get bad publicity. Ultimately the objections were sustained and we went with a limited version. How ever, in my various responses on the fund collection threads, i was very forth coming about why we need the money. Please see my explanation in "Don't delay any more" thread. I understand that you are suggesting that people appreciate us better if we can go to more details. I always believe that taking feedback is the best way to improve yourself. I will provide more details in 1 or 2 days (Right now i am at work).
I request others to give feed back about how we can reach out to more people. You can either post it here or send a PM.
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