Beileve it or not..September case approved..i know most of u wont\'t believe..

To Mr.raghu_dec

Are you taking the new Rapidex English swearing course?

I suggest you read the regular english course first.

Good luck
Guys CALM down...

I think if we continue like this , then in future no one is going to post after approval and we wan\'t know where we are...


Indian Crabs !

Can\'t recall where I read this but this is how it goes

A delegation of a few reporters is visiting a lab where scientists have collected crabs from all over the world. One scientist is giving a tour to all the reporters...."these are crabs from Thailand ...these come from the cost of Australia..." ...Suddenly a reporter notices a bowl labeled "Indian Crabs" that is left open from the top. Out of curiosity he asks the scientist "why this bowl has no lid on it? Don\'t you think those crabs will escape?". The scientist says "Oh these crabs? ...They are from India ...they will never escape. When one crab tries to escape, all other crabs pull him down.......That\'s the specialty of Indian crabs."

Hope you guys learn something from this story.
This is good news...but

one or two approvals always happen ahead of time.We should see more sep approvals in this board.
Man, I wanted to post the same message but backed up

Because of all this crap, I spoke to my attorney a week ago and He said he got 1 SEPTEMBER and 1 OCTOBER cases he applied are approved.
I asked him all possible questions but the answer was "YES, 1 SEPT. AND 1 OCT" Cases approved and they are EB3, INDIA.

If you do not want to belive it, please please please ignore this message.
The Bottom line is....

Everyone has a right to post the details he knows of or gathered from some source.
Same way the opposing person who doesn\'t beleive it has the right to
deny it.
But there is no need for foul languages and personal accusations.
If you don\'t believe it just say "I doubt it" or "I don\'t beleive it".
Why use F words in this?

I am sorry, I agree with you, I should not have used that kind of language, BTW I edited my previous message.
October? Did I read October? Did someone say October?

Thanks for the message man. Even if it is not true, it sounds good.
