Became a US Citizen today!


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Hi all,

Just wanted to share my Oath cermony experience. It took place at Richard B Russell Federal Bldg i downtown Atlanta. I was told to appear at 8am, and the whole cermony took about 2 hours :)

Wanted to wish everyone the best of luck for their application towards Citizenship!!

Hi Irish!!

Thanks for your best wishes!! It truly is a GREAT feeling to finally become a Citizen!

I am just curious that did you get a chance to talk to anyone in the crowd (during oath) whose interview could be later than yours. Fellow immi and my interview dates were 18th and 19th Jan'06, respectively.
Have a good weekend.


No I did not get a chance to speak to anyone whpse interview date was later than mine. What i did find out is they schedule the Oath cermony at Richard B Russell Bldg TWICE every month. I did ask an official about ppl who had passed their interviews, but had not received their Oath letter. She said if the applicant felt it is taking longer than expected, to take an infopass and inquire about it.

From what I have unerstood, your Oath letters should be coming soon, since they schedule it only twice a month. Good Luck!!
After becoming a citizen, can I file for my sister who is over 21 years, has been in the US for a long time and is currently out of status? What process would I follow? Thanks all for your advise!
Hi Shahidsan,
Thanks for your words.
If Oath in Richard B Russel bldg is held twice, we should be getting the oath letter that will accommodate additional people (who have passed the interview test) in the second batch for this month.