BEC Priority Date Tracker

Pl. update my info

Pl. Update my info,

BEC Center : Philly
Case PD : 11/27/2002 , EB3 , RIR
45 Day letter received : 02/03/2006

Pl update my info

Please update my info:

PD - Aug 21, 2001
RIR Went to regional Jun 6th 2003
45 Day Letter - OCt 25th 2005 Replied
GC4CA said:
Please update my info:

PD - Aug 21, 2001
RIR Went to regional Jun 6th 2003
45 Day Letter - OCt 25th 2005 Replied


Please make sure your case number in the signature is correct.
update and correction

Update : for my LC - no 45 day letter , no any oher info.
Correction : my file was transferred from Texas SWA (not Dallas DOL) .

Add me to the tracker

My Details
Case type-NON-RIR
Pd-22 December 2003
45 DL Rec-January 17, 2006
45 DL Rep-February 03, 2006
Case No-P-05140-*****

thanks guys....

In an effort to keep a single version of the tracker we have only one person in charge of making the updates. It is Mvinays.

All of us can post approvals/updates in this thread but should not update the tracker.

In case Mvinays is unable to do it, I am his backup. The updates tracker is usually posted here once a week.

Thank you all for your contribution to this effort and keep posting 45DL/approvals/updates in the thread :D

MDwatch said:

In an effort to keep a single version of the tracker we have only one person in charge of making the updates. It is Mvinays.

All of us can post approvals/updates in this thread but should not update the tracker.

In case Mvinays is unable to do it, I am his backup. The updates tracker is usually posted here once a week.

Thank you all for your contribution to this effort and keep posting 45DL/approvals/updates in the thread :D


I saw that my record was not updated for several months, hence I presumed that we had to individually update it, though initially I understood that Justwatching was doing the updates.

Sorry if has got messed up. My humble apologies. :(
MDwatch said:
don't worry, it's not messed up :) We will just use your info and update the current version :)

No harm done !


Just received my ETA from the lawyer after I asked for it: it is D-05174-8XXXX.

Please update the tracker.
Labor certification approved: Priority date of MAY-24-2004

My lawyer just called to say that my labor certification application has been approved. Good luck to everyone and thanks.
Username: rama0083 (already in the tracker)
RIR application
EB-2 category permanent residency
State: MN
Priority date: MAY-24-2004