BEC Priority Date Tracker

please add to tracker

State: Maryland
Type: RIR EB2 (MS)
PD: 06/03/2003
Source: State
Case: P-05146-XXXXX
Center: PBEC
45 DL: received 4/24/06, replied 04/29/06

Tracker updates

Sometime ago I sent PMs to the following PBEC victims with PD in 2001 to check whether they are still active:

gz71, rxs_1234, srimoorthy, waitingtoo
anon2580, bel_in_nyc, cvig, dev10, femi1714

And also to GC_MD_2001 for "Friend of GC_MD_2001".
Only gz71 confirmed that his status is unchanged. No replies from others.

Please mark the status of these people as UNKNOWN.
Philly BEC Center

BEC Notification Date (45 day letter): received on 05/26/2006
45 day letter response sent : Working on it... Hopefully it will be sent this week.
Labor Status:pending
Priority Date: 02/17/2004
Type (RIR/Non-RIR): RIR
Category : EB3
State (LC filed): NY
45 DL received and replayed - NON RIR , TX

My lawyer said that she got and replayed 45 DL 04/25/2006.

My details :

PD - 12/27/2002

Case # starts with T and start-up company ?

I see quite a few BEC case # starts with a T (instead of P or D). Just trying to findout if there is any realtion between start-up company applicants and T case #(incomplete data entry). My application is from a start-up company. Is anybody ever got updated from a T # to P or D number or got 45 day letter ?

DBEC Case no.: ?
Priority Date: 11-19-2004
STATE SWA: Illinois
EB2 or EB3: EB2
RIR or Regular: RIR
ETA Case #: T-05199-xxxxx

45-day letter: Not received
PBEC Approval

Just wanted to let you guys know that after 3 1/2 years of frustrating wait, I finally heard from my lawyer about the approval of my Labor appln. from the Philadelphia BEC.

PD: Nov-2002
RD: Oct-2003
45 day letter received: Mar-2005
Approved: May 31, 2006
anybody here knows the contact number in PBEC to check the status of our case? anybody experience to talk to PBEC guys?

gcmirage_2002 said:
Just wanted to let you guys know that after 3 1/2 years of frustrating wait, I finally heard from my lawyer about the approval of my Labor appln. from the Philadelphia BEC.

PD: Nov-2002
RD: Oct-2003
45 day letter received: Mar-2005
Approved: May 31, 2006
Please add my info to tracker

PD: 23 Sep 2002 VA
Case Type:EB3 RIR
BRC/BEC: Philly
45-day letter received: 02/12/2005
45-day letter responded:02/25/2005