Be careful if you are calling IIO\'s frequently


Registered Users (C)
They keep track of how often you called and when was the last time you called. Just an advice not to bug them with unnecessary questions. I called them today and told her that I called you last month about my case and you asked to call back again after April Ist, but she said that I also called on Feb 22nd which I don\'t remember. If you have genuine question, go ahead and call them, otherwise my advice is not to annoy them since it may not help calling them frequently. Just thought it may help if someone is not aware of it.
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If you are not aware of a call that you made on Feb 22nd then the IIO is playing game. If you are sure that you made a call on Feb 22nd then they are serious about tracking phone calls
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I agree with Bravemind.

The last time I called , the IIO asked "Did you call this morning?".

I had called after a month and half. So I said "No".

Then the IIO said : "Our Records show that someone called this morning".

I am not sure why he said so. But it is possible that to keep us from calling again and again they might be playing this \'game\'. I know some people who called the INS atleast 3 times a week.
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The IIOs who answer the phones are customer service agents, just like that of any commercial company
(phone co./cable co. etc), and they make comments every time the customer calls. Hence they definitely
know when you called last.

If you did call, they know for sure. In addition, they can make up fictious dates that you called (if thats what they are doing.)
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I do think they are tracking the calls. One time my wife called, then I called again a day after for another question. The IIO told me "your wife just called yesterday, now you are calling again !". However, I am not sure if bugging INS will help or hurt your case; since the only way to stop you calling is to approve your case.
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Ok.. So what if we call a couple of times? Isn\'t it why they are there for ? So what if we call them again ? How does it matter ? Why can\'t we remind them that that is their job ?

We are calling because we are annoyed at the extraordinary delays on their part (over and above what they have advertised). They are not doing us a favor since we are only following their law.

I wonder why do we have to feel so subservient and so guilty for doing something we are entitled to ?
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I fully agree with you. They told me yesterday that I had called on March 29. I said "Yes, I am concerned that you are taking extraordinarily long. So I am anxious". She said something irrelevant and I told that I would call in a couple of days.

The point is it is OUR case, so we have every right to call them. That is what the 802-527-4913 shuttle is for. The slobs are only annoyed about us taking away time from their knitting/Jerry Springer activities.
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The AVM says if it execeeds 540 days call IOs at regular business hours and I am entitled to call them daily till they either change the message in AVM or approve my ever pending case ......
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but I urge rationale from your side even though INS doesn\'t. 540 days and more is definitely frustrating but calling very frequently may not help much either. Just my 2 cents.
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I think we are doing exactly what any person would normally do when he/she is expecting a service from any agency, private/public, especially when the advertised end-time for providing service is close or past.

However, I do also want to mention in the same breath that a little moderation will not harm us either. I myself am a prey to the
temptation to repeated calling, but lately I have laid off a bit.

Since calling repeatedly wasn\'t helping I have started exploring other
avenues of bringing attention to our plight. I have written to Sentor,
I have told them that I shall make my case again, if we dont hear anything soon about the new Regs. This, I feel, atleast "might" help.

IF any of you out there can think of other innovative ways to bring
us more publicity to this issue, we should all love to consider them.
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I just called IIO and he told me I called last month and asked me the reason for calling again. When I called last month an IIO said it will take another 6 months for this type of case, this time IIO told me all the applicant whose employer name changed on hold and waiting for the INS guidlines they are not issuiing any RFE as of now.
Please don\'t call an IIO and waste your time that does not help anyway. There is a difference of openion among IIO, because they are not educated to answer properly. They keep track of your calles for sure.
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how come the IIO told you that cases w/ campany name change are on hold ?
did you tell IIO that your campany name changed ? or how did he know ?

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I totally agree with Mash91. We are not doing something illegal - they have given a number so we can call and they have never said not to call more than a specific number of times.There are times I feel like going to Vermont personally and sitting there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But again, our calling,i guess does not really affect our case in anyway(I hope!).Waiting for hours on end to just get thru to one of the IIO surely adds up tothe frustration levels - I feel we are the ones who has the right to be annoyed !
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IIOs are responsible to take calls and also to resolve problems. So
if we called once regarding a problem, I think they should be given a reasonable amount of time to resolve it. Like if they say wait 30 days, what is the use of calling before that period? Just my opinion.
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I personally want to beat the shit out of INS everyday till they say something about my case. But I don\'t know if they can do anything to delay further if I call everyday. My only guess is that they will answer you rudely if u put your foot on their tail every day asking about ur case. Just a guess on this f***** agency.
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I think that call is neccessary. At the end of Feb, I called them to check my case
and told them that other cases have got answers which were later than mine.
I met a nice lady and she immidiatly checked and same day\'s afternoon, gave me call,
and resent my FP notice which was scheduled at the begining of March.
but to my same questions, just two days before my this call (above call), another lady
 told me to wait abother 60-90 days for FP notice. So waht do you think?

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I am yet to get a consistant answer from IIO till this date
made a number of calls this last couple of months
1. Mid Feb - got the answer "you file is assigned to an officer for final review - should hear something in 3 weeks"
2.1st week of March :- got the reply" case is put on hold due to company name change"
3.2nd week of march :- got the reply"Is pending, I cannot give you any more details"
4.End of March :- strangest reply "we are waiting for visa numbers to become avlbl" I told her my PD is July 97 and ND Sept 99,FP done Sept 00 .Then she says " Oh is that so - let me check again... your case is still pending,just keep calling us and hope you hear something .."
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well vsc9909, you are right, provided these people actually try to resolve your case/problem. In one instance, I had an IIO tell me that they take between 14 & 60 days to respond after they receive a reply to the RFE. When I told him the others who had received "IDENTICAL" RFEs were approved in a matter of 10 days, he told me that he does not care. Yes, that is exactly what he told me "I don\'t care". And when I reminded him that my case had taken well over 540 days that they have said as the upper limit to adjuducating I-485s, he said that they have 180 actually to work on the reply to an RFE, irrespective of how many days a case has taken till that point. Of course, there are some nice IIOs too, but in the cases of people like these, I really feel that something should be done, even though I can\'t think of anything practical.....
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If one if going to get screwed if he/she calls or Not. Does that make any diference ?

If R*** is inevitable, enjoy it. Thats why we have a chat groups to post our messages instead of calling the IIOs. But, also the IIOs are paid to recieve our calls. If they don\'t entertain our calls, then they are not doing their service.
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I certainly can understand your frustration. You are one of those small set of people who even has an approved I-140 redo, but no 485 approvals. They certainly has messed up with your case. I don\'t know what to tell you but hope that some good IIO will take proper attention to your case. Have you considered taking Congressman/Senotor help. All I was trying to put across was that it may not be worth our time and money to call IIOs day after day if they are already aware of the problem. may be we need to look at alternate avenues as well. Hoping that you will get your approval soon..