bcis ki ma ka bhosada

Can we keep this forum a little civilized? I know we are all frustrated but to have thread after thread full of profanities is really uncalled for.
Moderator talk:
Should we have a poll to allow or disallow profanity?

Afterall this is a public board, and we share it with ladies.
these kind of postings only piss off the moderate users. We had another one till yesterday but what does anyone gain by shitting like this in public?
This is low class, and makes no sense. so please say it in your mind and don't post it on web site.

BTW, can anybody interpret it to english? what does it mean?;)
Hindi profanity offends we people.
Countless number of time people have be writing profanity in
the messages . But, no one was offended. and offcourse ,
you are a wizard when we use profanity in english.

if I am not wrong lot of the same people who are offended by
profanity in hindi, use F- word all the time.

we are hypocrit.

I think you have got it all wrong. Most of us here don't mind a lil bit of swearing that can be part of an everyday conversation, but what irriates me is blatant disregard for other people by having threads with nothing but cussing.
I know we are all frustrated here but do we need to shout profanity like this on a public forum?

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last_gasp, completely with you on this one.

Profanity once in a while within some discussion is ok. But this is ridiculous, and should be moderated off.

Otherwise I'll start posting threads like this day in and day out ;-)

Btw, it also reduces this forum's usefulness.

jayMehra, actually I kinda agree with you. But I've to say that the words used here (and in the previous thread) were stronger than the F- word, imho.

anyway, y'all take it easy!

- nik.
PS: Remember what BCIS feels for you http://kd4dcy.net/rthumor/unclesam.jpg!
I am against all profanity.

"Most of us here don't mind a lil bit of swearing that can be part of an everyday conversation, but what irriates me is blatant disregard for other people by having threads with nothing but cussing."
> to Some folks "bit of swearing" might be very irriatating.and they feel offended.

"I know we are all frustrated here but do we need to shout profanity like this on a public forum?"
> NO,But then we should censure all profanity.

nikbert ,
" But I've to say that the words used here (and in the previous thread) were stronger than the F- word, imho."
> Agree with you but how would you rate profanity.
