basic newbie questions


Registered Users (C)
could someone please shed some light on these questions?

We are filing a I-485 through marriage by me a US citizen. We just filed the I-102 for replacement of the I-94. She entered through a travel visa that has now expired, but her I-94 is not there. A local law center is handling our case. The goal here to save time and get this process going as fast as possible.

I do not wholly trust the judgment of the center and would some opinions on these questions.

1. I the I-102 is currently pending in Vermont where it takes 9 mos right now. We just got it back with a request for more info which we are about to provide. Question is: could we file in a different service center that is processing the I-102 faster??

2. We were told that we could not file the I-102 and the I-485 at the same time. We had to wait for the I-94 to be issued from the I-102 in order to file. Their reasoning was that if the I-485 processes faster than the I-102 application we would be stuck and the I-485 would no go through. Does this make sense to anyone? This reasoning causes a significant delay in the process.

Any help is appreciated.
Ask in the family-based green card section. The people there know more and care more about marriage-related cases.