Baltimore Xfer list (updated)


Registered Users (C)
Here is a updated list of recent Baltimore transferees to keep track on the time line from transfer to interview date. Please keep updating this to analyze the time taken from transfer to interview date. (ND: VSC notice date, TD: transfer date & ID: interview date). If you all keep updating this thread I can make the list periodically.
In the list only GMC01, Vmb485 and tushar shah have interview dates!!

Name: ND, TD, ID,

GMC01: 10/00, 4/27/01, 7/12/01,
karri: 9/00, 4/27/01, --
newtothis: 10/00, 4/25/01, --
Macika: 9/00, 4/25/01, --
objectguy: 11/00, 5/18/01, --
vmb485: 10/00, 4/27/01, 8/8/01,
greenhopeful: 11/00, 5/18/01, --
tusharshah: 9/00, 4/26/01, 7/26/01,
anastomosis: 11/00, 5/17/01, --
nickI485: 01/01, 6/04/01,--
md21108:9/00, 4/27/01,--
Hope2GetItASAP: 1/01,6/4/01,--
metairie: 1/01,6/4/01,--
OS:11/00, 5/17/01,--
kevankatr: 1/01,6/4/01,--
KV29: 1/01,6/4/01,--
nesd: 11/00,5/18/01,--
mervin: 11/00, 5/18/01
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Hi Guys,
I do not know what to say, but when I observed the list I got feeling that there are guys from Xfer date of April and they stil havent got thier interview date.
Like Karri, newtothis. Have you guys tried to contact INS Baltimore that why your cases havent come up for Interview dte yet and other people whose Xfers have been after you guys have thier interview scheduled.
This is the point.
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The people who have interview dates have TD\'s of 4/26 or 4/27. I know that not all of them have received their interview notices, so I hope that mine (TD 4/25) will come together with theirs on the mail. If and when I see that people with TD\'s from May start receiving their interview notices, I will definitely go to inquire. But at this point I try to remain patient for a few more days and see what happens.
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You may already have an interview date assigned. If I were you I would check with Baltimore INS.(Just a thought........!)

Best of Luck
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i observe here that INS Batimore is just interviwing 2 or at max 3 cases per month. Is this the way it should be, This way if u see the list its gonna take more time to schedule an interview.
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Yes, I hope that I already have the date. I may make up my mind and drive to Baltimore later this week. BTW I guess what happens is that as they open a particular box from VSC (say, one that covers the 4/25 - 4/27 range), they distribute the cases among the officers. From that point it is up to the officer when (s)he schedules the interview. Maybe my officer is on vacation now.

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I went to baltimore to find out what happened to my case early last week. BUt by then it was not yet assigned to any officer. What I think is even though VSC transfers the cases on a particular date, they may not be sending the files immediately on the same day to Baltimore. So there it might have got delayed in my case and that is the reason in Baltimore INS my case receipt date is May 15th where as the case which got transfered along with mine got earlier dates like MAy 5th or so. I think this is the date they will consider to schedule Interview. So it depends on our luck, when these people enter it into their system rather than when it got transfered.
So still waiting for my interview.
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I went to Baltimore this morning and found out that no interview has been scheduled yet. Got the standard answer that it can take anywhere between 60 and 90 days.
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Did tehy say when they received your papers from VSC? For me they said, they have received it on May 15th. I think that is the date they look for scheduling Itnerviews. Please let us know when they received yours?
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They did not tell me and I did not ask. But I know that on May 15 it was not in their system yet.
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Hi kari, macika and Md have you guys got any notice from Baltimore? I think you guys are next!
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is the standard response "60-90 days" or "60 to 180 days". I am seeing both on the boards and cannot tell which one is the actual standard response. Please inform...