Baltimore local transfer list


Registered Users (C)
I will always put the udpated list at the first post of this thread
ID % RD % TD % ID

american gujju % 10/01/2001 % 07/23/2002 % 08/27/2002 *
ws1011 % 10/11/2001 % 07/23/2002 % 08/27/2002 *
Sensible % 10/09/2002 % 07/23/2002 % 08/27/2002 *
irene2001 % 10/02/2001 % 07/23/2002 % 08/28/2002 *
amy_10012001 % 10/01/2001 % 07/23/2002 %
hhs % 10/23/2001 % 07/30/2002 % 08/29/2002 *
Synapse % 12/06/2001 % 07/30/2002 %
Sai55 % 10/23/2001 % 07/30/2002 % 08/29/2002 *
MJ GetGC % 10/18/2001 % 07/30/2002 % 08/29/2002 *
vig % 01/04/2002 % 07/31/2002 %

Pkala % 11/06/2001 % 08/01/2002
teleks % 02/07/2002 % 08/05/2002
yam % 02/21/2002 % 08/05/2002
gc_2000's friend % 09/26/2001 % 08/07/2002
Yu % 04/05/2002 % 08/07/2002
T ghar % 08/29/2001 % 08/08/2002
wnqqnw % 09/04/2001 % 08/08/2002
NIC-I485 % 09/08/2001 % 08/08/2002
gcsept18 % 09/18/2001 % 08/08/2002
485NoHope % 09/??/2001 % 08/08/2002
libai % 10/09/2001 % 08/08/2002
mikeeew % ??/??/???? % 08/08/2002
pendit % ??/??/???? % 08/08/2002
asj % 09/27/2001 % 08/09/2002
th_prakash % 09/23/2001 % 08/09/2002
RD0915 % 09/15/2001 % 08/09/2002
rock Z % 10/17/2001 % 08/09/2002

avpethia % 02/05/2002 %
asj's friend % 09/05/2001 %
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In my personal opinion both TD and RD matters..Baltimore looks both of them..

If you look at the Interview scheduling, october cases are getting interviews. What happened to Amy,Irene and MJ GetGC
good job 485NoHope..

my TD is 08/08/2002.
Sai55 interview is on 08/27.
OCT RD have got Interview schedules before Sept RD, as OCT RD cases were transferred before.
Updated list,

Why the space all disappear after I sumbit, it is very hard to read without space

Those who received Interview notice has a *


american gujju 10/01/2001 07/23/2002 08/27/2002 *
ws1011 10/11/2001 07/23/2002 08/27/2002 *
irene2001 10/02/2001 07/23/2002 08/28/2002 *
amy_10012001 10/01/2001 07/23/2002
Sensible 10/09/2002 07/23/2002 08/27/2002 *
hhs 10/23/2001 07/30/2002 08/29/2002 *
Synapse 12/06/2001 07/30/2002
Sai55 10/23/2001 07/30/2002 08/29/2002 *
MJ GetGC 10/18/2001 07/30/2002 08/29/2002 *
vig 01/04/2002 07/31/2002

Pkala 11/06/2001 08/01/2002
teleks 02/07/2002 08/05/2002
yam 02/21/2002 08/05/2002
gc_2000's friend 09/26/2001 08/07/2002
Yu 04/05/2002 08/07/2002
T ghar 08/29/2001 08/08/2002
NIC-I485 09/08/2001 08/08/2002
gcsept18 09/18/2001 08/08/2002
mikeeew ??/??/???? 08/08/2002
libai 10/09/2001 08/08/2002
pendit ??/??/???? 08/08/2002
485NoHope 09/??/2001 08/08/2002
wnqqnw 09/04/2001 08/08/2002
asj 09/27/2001 08/09/2002
th_prakash 09/23/2001 08/09/2002
RD0915 09/15/2001 08/09/2002
rock Z 10/17/2001 08/09/2002

avpethia 02/05/2002
asj's friend 09/05/2001
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Vig, Synapse, How about yours

Vig, Synapse, How about yours

Have you received interview notice? You RD is 12/01 & 01/02, but your case were transferred earlier than those 09/01 guys.

Let's see whether the INS arragne interview based on Transfer date, or the conbination of RD and TD?
Good Job !!

Dude good job of making the track list, my ID is - 08/29/02
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thanks 485no hope

485no hope , Thank you so much for compiling the list. I have put this details into a spread sheet and attaching here. People can update this file when they receive Interview dates and upload it again.
Interview scheduled based on TD only

Congratulations to those received interview notice.

Oh poor 09/2001 filers, VSC transfer our file later than 10/2001 filers, we have to wait ...

Any news from those transferred in August 2002?
most cases were on 8/8/2002.
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Friend got ID ...

Please see the attached file....

RD : 12/??/2001,
TD : 07/31/2002
ID : 09/05/2002.

Two things are clear:
1. Baltimore is working in September.
2. TD and only TD is the name of the game.
knowlegble folks,

can anybody shed light, what happenes if one doesnt have a job at the time of interview!?

And is there a way out!!

Interview date Received

Hi everyone: Here are my details regarding the Baltimore transfer

RD 12/14/2001
TD: 07/30/2002
ID: 08/29/2002