Baltimore Interview Succesful: Passport Stamped an hour ago


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Hey Guys!

I just wanted to share the good news with everyone! My wife and I had a succesful interview in Baltimore. Everything went smoothly. The Immigration officer was a very humorous guy, joking all through the interview, while we nervous sat handing him the documents.

All he asked was for was the following documents:
1. Letter from employer (original)
2. Latest Tax return (copy)
3. Marriage Certificate (copy)
4. EAD (original)
5. AP (original)
6. MD Drivers License (only for display)

I would really suggest that you organize your documents very systematically as he asked for the documents in quick succession. I out each document in a separate Manilla folder, labelling it and seprating my documents from my wife's. And whenever the officer asked for a document, I had it ready within a second. Believe me they want to get through the day quicker than you do.

And for all those who are worried about their current salary being lower than that on their Labor Certification (I am one of them), don't worry. He didn't even ask about it...he just skimmed thorugh the employment letter (mumbling, "whatever, whatever, yeah, yeah ,yeah").

Finally he asked to take our fingerprints, cancelled my H1B visa (at that point, I tried very hard to restrain a broad smile, but couldn' was really happening then). And in a flash, he stamped us as Residents. He then congratulated us and said, "I would encourage you to become citizens" and told us the advantages of being a US citizen.

We were in the interview for 25 minutes. I had my lawyer with me, but she didn't need to intervene at all as everything went very smoothly.

In the beginning of the interview, the asked us to take an oath that we would be honest about our information, and then went through a list of questions asking us whether we had any criminal records, whether we were engaged in terrorist activities (!!!) etc etc.

I hope this helps you. Just remain calm and confident. It'll all work out fine. I am so happy...I haven't stopped grinning all morning. And now we are off to a celebratory breakfast.

If anyone has more questions, do post them and I'll try answering them later in the day!


This is great news!

Just one question: what is AP, and where would I get the original? Is it usually sent to the lawyer?
Thank you!

AP is the Advanced Parole Document You should have received it and your Employment Authorization card a fewmonths after filing your I485. Either you or your lawyer should have received it if you are awaiting an interview.
There were people waiting for all kinds of interviews: GC, Citizenship etc etc, so it is tough to say who was waiting for just the GC. But I did notice people were being called very frequently and things were moving fast. I would say there were 30-40 people there. Interestingly, all the Indians/SAsians there were in ties..Did that get started from this forum? I rember a post saying that people should wear ties..I was quite amused, and I knew those folks were felllow posters on this site!!!
Was I-140 approved for CP ?

Congrats pb70

And thank You for the quick post after your interview.

If you could clarify if your I-140 was for CP ......

Want to know if makes a difference.....

No, the I40 wasn't for the I-140. And thanks for your greetings...I have taken the day off from work to celebrate.