Baltimore Guys (Tghar, NIC-485, Kanthus, libai and rock Z): have you gotten your IDs?

Could somebody visit Baltimore??

Could somebody visit Baltimore and check on this PLEASE??
When I went 2 weeks back, they correctly informed that, they will not conduct interviews in first half of OCT.
If somebody could visit now, we will know, whether they are going to issue/issuing ID since Sept 23, and also if they will continue to issues ID during the first half of OCT.
Does anyone know whether the National Customer Service Center (1-800-375-5283) knows the information about the audit and whether it affects Baltimore District Office?
No, ID yet.

my case is exceptional. i'm the primary application and i'm in PA. my wife's in MD. our cases were transfered to Baltimore. my lawyer talked to Baltimore a couple of wks ago. They said it was a mistake and they would transfer our cases back to Philly. but haven't heard anything ever since. maybe they wouldn't do it until they reach our case. time's being wasted.

good luck to all of you!
Thank you, libai, for updating. Keep us informed. I am sure a lot of people on this board will be interested in how everything turns out. Good luck!