Baltimore Case Approved (was peding because of I-140)

to be

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I\'am happy to post that my 485 was approved today, I had my interview on
Aug 29th and today, exactly 3 months after the interview, I went to check
on my case to B-INS and the lady told me that it just got approved.
Anastomosis, Kv29 or KV72 and the others whose case is pending because of I-140, hang in there.
God is great.
? Consulate

That is real good news. CONGRATS!!

By the way which consulate did they send your I-140 to? Did the B-INS guys indicate whether they recieved your original I-140 or they approve it after a wait of 90 days?
great news

congrats. This is great news for us. So I had my interview on oct 23rd. I will get my approval by Jan23rd. Thanks for the information
No Title

Anastomosis, I\'am not sure if B-INS recevied my papers from the consulate or they just approved it after the mandatory 90 days.
But, my papers were transfered from Chennai to VSC in August 2001,
even before my interview, it is possible that VSC requested the papers
from Chennai before transfering my case to B-INS, my guess.