Balle Balle---- Chak te Phatte..... WAC0203557*** Approved

Letter to senator

Can you please post your letter (or the outline) to the senator? If you are uncomfortable posting it, can you please send it via a private message? Thanks
Dishnet or no dishnet???


Does not matter if you drive from Southern california up to Northern California India Pakistan match is on me. So we will party... How about that???

Anyway I am going to go watch the India England match..

:D :D


I will try to find the senator letter and the post it. How does that sound???:)

Checked the AVM last night and it was updated. I believe AVM and website got updated yesterday. It is pretty good for something that got approved on 02/21/03

Could you keep your questions on forum instead of taking it off line? TajIndia's replies might help others in your shoes. Thanks.

SillyMan, TajIndia,

Guys we need to seriously Party! :) Both for Taj's GreenCard and SillyMan's prospective green card! :) SillyMan owes me a big treat when he gets his card for sure! :) How about organizing one SM?

And SillyMan, you should have told me you wanted to go for India-Pakistan, I thought you were this "no sports, only komps" guy! I just went and got a tickets at Stanford for the game and I would have gotten a couple more. Still, if F doesn't come for the game, you can always join me. :) Are you coming over this weekend?
Hey 140!!!


Do you live in Fremont area? I am planning to go to India England match tonight. Of course India Pakistan count me in. I am planning to go at Stanford. I do not know how it is at Stanford. But we can plan something... Sillyman, you want to drive from Southern California.. We will have a blast....

Let's rock and pray for everyone to get out of the shackles of this mother f**** INS.


I live in Mountain View. Pretty close by to Fremont actually!

Watching matches in Stanford is really fun. They have two screenings. One is this huge projection on a screen which I like to go for, this hall seats about 100. The second is a 42" TV which is damn clear but big screen is big screen!

I am planning to go for the India-England game tonight at Stanford, so if you are coming there we can meet up. Send me a pm and we can exchange numbers etc. There are tickets available for the England game, if you don't have them already.

I also have tickets to the India-Pakistan game. It is already sold out, so I hope you have the tickets already?

I wish you guys had mentioned this earlier. I just got the tickets last night and they had 70 for the pak game available. It would have been so much fun to watch it in a group. But if you do have tickets to the India-Pakistan match let me know, we can meet up there or we could do dinner and then drive to Stanford together or something. :)
Dinner this Friday?


How about organizing a dinner on Friday? Anyone interested can join in, put some faces to the names. :) We can celebrate TajIndia's GC, just hang out and bitch about the INS! :)

I don't know if ghost-rider and vipsha are reading this, but we can always send them a pm, inviting them, I am sure they will come. Then those who have tickets for the India-Pakistan game can adjourn to watch it! :)

Sounds like a fun evening?

I have lots of friends in Mtn View. Just out of curiosity, do you live anywhere around Shoreline or Wisman Drive?

140 bhaiya ki jai.

Hey, if there is a place we can watch the match @, lets do it. I sort of already had plans to see the match with someone else, but I saw the india-namibia match with them, so I think they will understand, plus really thats a bunch of bachelors who paid for dishnet and I didn't .. hehe, so it's sorta odd for me to go see something I didn't pay for, but they've been real nice about it all. I just don't wanna make inappropriate use of their niceness.

140, vip, TheWho, TajIndia, everyone, where can we see this match? Can we make some guaranteed plans ... like right now .. so we can plan our friday nights, and then we show up there with snacks and blankets and watch the match.

Oh yea, no INS bitching there please .. enough on this board.

PS: If ur Pakistani, ur welcome to join us, but if u cheer too much we'll pour the chilled bubbly beer down ur pants.
Anyone with extra tickets for Indo-Pak

Anyone with around 4-6 extra tickets for Indo-Pak ... send me a pm. Sounds fun ... actually.

- MagicGC

SillyMan, vipsha, TheWho, TajIndia,

Very difficult to organize this over the forum, beside we are SPAMMING! :) Thankfully TajIndia started this thread and as it is an approval thread will die soon! :)

I will probably call SillyMan, and email/pm the rest of you guys. Unfortunately, I do have tickets to India-Pak at Stanford, so we have to fix another place to watch the match if we all decide to go together. Regardless we can always do dinner, this weekend (it will have to be this weekend or the next month since I am going to India next week!). I am free most of this weekend so come up with a plan and count me in!


Used to live on Shoreline before but moved a few months back, to just past Castro. If you are in the neighbourhood drop me a line and we can celebrate your GC too! :)

p.s. SillyMan, if we don't organize this dinner thing for this weekend, I am planning to coming down to your place on Saturday/Sunday if you are free? Is that okay with you?