Bad news about CP for employment based immigration


Registered Users (C)
Just got a bad news after asking lawyer:

Currently, CIS stopped the practice of allowing CP for employment based

What does it mean? CIS (department of justice) doesn't process CP, the state department does. Do you mean CP option in I-140?

I have not seen any documents, events or posts to that effect.

Please confirm with your attorney and ask him to provide you the exact document, or press-release!! Otherwise you should not believe. Most attorneys are reluctant to do CP because that route will curtail their revenue.

So quiz your attorney a little bit about the his source and make sure that it is legal and valid document.
I concur with kkulkar. This is a big news and if this was TRUE (which i don't think it is) then everyone would know about it. All major immigration sites such as Rajiv Khanna's would post something like this on the main home page.

As suggested ask your lawyers for a press release/ written legal document.
This is definately not true

This is definately not true
If this would have been true then they would had something on their Website...But their is nothing..

please don't spread rumors unless you know this from some credible sources.
Originally posted by dvdhe
Just got a bad news after asking lawyer:

Currently, CIS stopped the practice of allowing CP for employment based


Any reliable sources to quote ???:rolleyes:

Do all of us favor and ge the hell of this board. Unless you can provide us with concrete proof don't post any of your garbage.

Get lost

lets not forget that we are here to help each other out. I've learnt a lot in this forum than from any other source.. keep in mind that whatever u post here might affect a bunch of ppl in the decision making... lets give the person who started this, the benefit of the dobut.. maybe his lawyer did tell him that, even thought its not true, for whatever reason..
there are a lot of good things going on in the forum.. lets not screw that up.....

good luck to all....
I concur with prashant...we are here to share information and our experiences. So lets do that and help other identify what is right from wrong! Lets not get into blame game...coz that is no fun!