Bad experience at Philli for PP stamping


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I guys today i had passport stamped at Philadelphia.

Here is my experince at Philli.

We went there at 7.15 am. there was big line standing.heavy winds outside. Chilli morning. We were allowed to go in at 8 am. After going in we were standing at line for tockens. Atlast my turn has come. I was showing my documents that lady. She did not accept my Photos. Since i took them with Glasses. So she asked me to go and get another set photos.

But i cannot go out. Security guy told me if you go outside you cannot come in. He told me again i have to stand in the line. I went out and got photographs without glasses. I asked my wife and daughter to stand in the line. I went to front door. I begged Security guard to let me in. I told My daughter is shivering with cold outside. Then after sometime he asked me whatever i says i have to say "Yes". He gave some lecture and at the end he asked me " DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" .I had to say yes. Then he allowed me and my wife.

This time the lady accepted my photos and gave token. after that as usal. I showed my courtesy copy and photos, I-94, EAD. And got stamped . We came out at 10.40 am.

So Guys pleas take your photographs without glasses if you have any. i donot want you guys face this kind of problem.

Good luck.

AD 3/14/02
PP 3/25/02
Re : Photographs during Passport Stamping ???????????

Some time INS ask for Photographs during passport stamping and some time not ? Do you have any idea ?
Does expired I-94 matter (expired H1) when going for stamping for GC. I have EAD & AP.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your experience.

I have a question. Didn\'t you submit the photos when you filed I485? Did INS accept your photos at that time? (I assume you must be wearing your glasses when you took that photos)
Yes, i submitted my photos with galsses. INS accepted it. But htis time they want the photos without

INS never accepted photos with glasses

The ADIT spec clearly indicates NO glasses and jewelry. All potential PP stampers; Get photos taken by a photo shop which UNDERSATNDS ADIT style photos! Don\'t try to cut corners and save a few bucks, otherwise you will have the same experience as insane here.
But i used the photos with glasses for EAD and I-485 filling. That time they did accept my photos

agree with insane.

I am sure from personal exp.(filed in I-485 July 2001) the INS rules for 485 filing did not specify that photos are to be taken without glasses...also got it done from a professional photo shop with lots of I-485 photo experience....has my approved EAD with glasses.

So either the PP stamping photo rules are different than 485 filing rules or the rules might have changed since then.
Hey Insane, Did they ask for ID for PP stamping???

Did they ask any Id like Drivers license at/during PP stamping??
no they did not ask for me. I have EAD to handed over to them.

Only while enetering building security asked me to show some photo identity. So i showed my DL.
Does this photos should be like EAD?

SO does this mean that photos should be like EAD\'s (and not passport size) and how many are required (2) ?

thanks in advance.
my experience till now

I am an August Filer.Waiting for approval. I submitted the pictures with glasses while filing I485. Everything accepted. I did not apply for EAD or AP. So I went to INS for interim EAD after I got the I485 reciept. INS, in Indiana, took the pictures there itself and gave me EAD in about 1 hour. They did not tell me anything. The picture is with glasses on EAD. So I have to see during my approval time, whether I need to take the pictures with or without glasses.
No Title

Thanks, Insane. My DL is not from same state that of PP (expecting) stamping state. Thanks for your answer.
I never been asked for photos

I also got my PP stamped on same day ( Mar-25) ,Insane did. I never been asked for photos. I asked them specifically whether they need photographs , lady at the counter said \'NO\'.
        This is what I don\'t understand. Why it differs from case to case.