Bad advanced 2nd FP experience in Oakland


Registered Users (C)
WAC 03-005-xxxxx
Got notification for 2nd FP for August 13th (my wife and myself)
Place: Oakland

Wanted to do earlier (my wife has something going on that day)
I live in Brentwood (more than 1 hour away).
Pack my wife and 2 small kids, drive, take the Bart.
Get to the Oakland center @ 2:45PM on friday afternoon, July 23rd.

Line waiting: 0 (like in zero) person.

Asked why I wanted to do earlier fingerprinting.
I answered that I will be in a business trip at the time (lying....)

The "gate-keeper" transferred our request to another person.
This person asked her manager.
Came back asking why I cannot be on August 13th.
Explained again that I will be in a business trip.
She went back to her manager, reporting my answer.
Came back saying: "not possible".

I asked if she can double check as I stressed the fact that I live more than 1 hour away and I have 2 small kids to travel back and forth.

She checked back (yeah, I know ..... pretty ridiculous situation).
Came back that what they can do is to offer me an earlier fingerprinting one week earlier.
This time I am really and truly in a business trip.

I said thank you, packed my wife and my 2 kids, headed to Bart and back home with no fingerprinting.

Still 0 (like in zero) person waiting for fingerprinting.

Just wanted to share my bad experience so that somebody else can use it in the future, hopefully with better results.

And then: what the heck is waiting only 3 more weeks after 5 years since all this GC process started, right?
I was able to complete early FP (early by 2 weeks) in Oakland on Saturday.

Supervisor went to his table just checked something and we were let in , no problem.
yuk1200 said:
WAC 03-005-xxxxx
Got notification for 2nd FP for August 13th (my wife and myself)
Place: Oakland

Wanted to do earlier (my wife has something going on that day)
I live in Brentwood (more than 1 hour away).
Pack my wife and 2 small kids, drive, take the Bart.
Get to the Oakland center @ 2:45PM on friday afternoon, July 23rd.

Line waiting: 0 (like in zero) person.

Asked why I wanted to do earlier fingerprinting.
I answered that I will be in a business trip at the time (lying....)

The "gate-keeper" transferred our request to another person.
This person asked her manager.
Came back asking why I cannot be on August 13th.
Explained again that I will be in a business trip.
She went back to her manager, reporting my answer.
Came back saying: "not possible".

I asked if she can double check as I stressed the fact that I live more than 1 hour away and I have 2 small kids to travel back and forth.

She checked back (yeah, I know ..... pretty ridiculous situation).
Came back that what they can do is to offer me an earlier fingerprinting one week earlier.
This time I am really and truly in a business trip.

I said thank you, packed my wife and my 2 kids, headed to Bart and back home with no fingerprinting.

Still 0 (like in zero) person waiting for fingerprinting.

Just wanted to share my bad experience so that somebody else can use it in the future, hopefully with better results.

And then: what the heck is waiting only 3 more weeks after 5 years since all this GC process started, right?

Sorry to read your bitter experience. We did our 2nd FP at the same time though me and my spouse schedules were 3 days apart. Saturday is good time to give it a try. When we went for FP in the morning there were hardly any people. We did 2nd FP without any problem. Try to avoid using business trip reason. They are also doing their business. Good luck!
No luck on saturday too !

I would say it all depends on the officer.I went on saturday with my wife & kid, still was able to only reschedule it one week earlier :(

They usually do it if there isn't a long line. I went there 4 days in advance(06/16) and the lady there was lil reluctant even though there was not a single person at 2:30 PM. But she eventually let us in saying if you had Aug notice I'd not have allowed you.
Although I've seen threads here people getting it done 1-1.5 months in advance.
If San Jose isn't too far out why not give it a shot there?

Check this thread for my experiences and others pretty much in my shoes.

All of us on an average submitted our fingerprints 5 weeks eary in my case, and 6+ weeks in another.

Good luck, these people totaly suck! So no point butting heads with them, better to just get the hell out of there like I did the first time around.
I actually have a 2nd FP scheduled for Friday, 8/20/04.
I already know that I can't make it that day. I was planning to go this week, but since some of the member had bad experiences, I probably wait it out for August to do mine.
I too had the same experience at San Jose... wanted to do early FP...but the manger refused...asked to reschdule..just before 2 weeks.! :(

am planning to go by mid of August..

Our 2nd FPs (WAC-03-110) were scheduled for 08/17 at Oakland ASC. Went to SJ ASC on 07/17 (Saturday) around 2:45pm. There were a bunch of people (10-12) inside, but no one in the entrance queue. The security/front desk people didn't even look at the FP notice date. We were out in 15 minutes. Everyone was courteous and helpful inside. Even shared some jokes!

Online status updated today to say FPs were received on 24th for both of us.

One trick (we didn't do that, but thought about it in hindsight) may be to give the Driver's license (or other ID) along with the FP notice, so that the attendant will straight-away compare names, instead of looking at the notice dates.

Obviously random procedure, you just have to keep trying. Good luck.
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Is there any advantage?

Is there any advantage (I mean, process-wise, apart from our convenience) in doing early FP? Mine is scheduled on Aug 20 at Oakland ASC.
The advantage is in the hope that sooner your case is "complete" (all documents in order, etc.), the easier it is for the iio to approve you. Just in case they stumble upon your case, find out that all it lacks is an approval stamp, then that is what they will do. Offcourse nothing is guranteed, but we live on hopes here. :)