Backlog Reduction Etc


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I was looking at the backlog reduction plan -one of them says by the end of 2004 they plan to reduce the waiting time to 20 months-which means the date processing at that point of time should be april 03????? :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:
So in next 6 months they should be finishing about 15 months about 2 months per month

LOL---wanna take bet they will or will not meet those targets

Good analysis. But if I remember the contents of their backlog reduction plan, it says that by the end of FY04, they will reduct the time to 24 months, by the end of FY05 to 12 months and then finally by FY06 to 6 months. This means in the next 3 months (end of Sep 04), they have to process all the cases which were filed upto Sep 02. Since the current processing date is Jan 15 '02, it means that in the next 3 months they have to do around 8.5 months worth of cases which is close to 3 months every month. Doable? I will bet my life they can't achieve it.
some people look at glass half full, some people look at glass half empty
USCIS will look at that policy as all the cases that are filed after the end of 2004 will be processed in 6 months or less. Who said anything about clearing the backlog???
In any case, at the end of Sep 2004, TSC will announce its official EB I-485 processing date as Sep 2002. Most of us will be yet to be finger-printed, but there'll be nothing that we we'd be able to do except for initiating inquiries to which we will be promptly told to shut up and wait for 30 days, and so on.

In the meanwhile, I'd imagine that employees of TSC will be high fiving each other for having reached the "target processing date", maybe even have an office party to celebrate the "accomplishment"!
and the explaination given will be
Every case is different, national security issues...damn...not even FPd yet....
regarding national security - i don't know why we didn't bring up the point of "the applicant is already in the united states, if he is a terrorist why will he bother with GC" issue before the judge. they can approve the petition even before security check - something like approved pending security check!!!
Good point, tmc! The INS must believe that terrorists are lurking around in H1B visas etc., just waiting to strike as soon as their GCs are approved !
Such reduction in time promises were given before but we are still behind. This is not new.

I liked tmc's answer. It shows that security check is just another excuse.

Look at this, they are supposed to approve 485 within 6 months. Are they doing it? No, because they do not have time. So what do we do interim? They give us EAD and AP. This adds up another delay as they have to process EAD and AP. So 485 gets delayed again. In short, they create more process because their current process (485) is delayed. This is another way of saying, we are busy so we are adding more work. Or in other words, we are delayed so we are adding more delay to solve the problem. Come on.....

And they know that EAD & AP expires in a year. But they also know that it takes 999 days to approve 485. Then issue EAD & AP valid for 999 days. They are creating this mess so that the process is stalled.

Look at another blunder. We do FP. You just can not walk in to ASC and do FP. We will tell you when to do it. FP is mandatory so everyone does it. Why do we have to wait to issue them a letter? This adds up to their process. I see that this is another redundant activity that if eliminated would help improve backlog. I am not saying do not do FP. All I am asking is that once you file 485 then that is enough for you to go and do FP. Thank God, that these people have not told us to medical that way. Oh. you are filing 485 then we will need your medical but we will issue a letter and by the way your medical is valid for only 15 months. We do not know if you have contracted any disease in between. Thank God that they are not doing this.

Your FP is valid for 15 months. But why? If you would just approve my 485 before 15 months then you do not have to send me another letter for second FP. And after obtaining GC no one does FP every 15 months, so why now?

They do allow us to change job 180 days after filing 485 and after approval of I-140. But they do not want us to change the TYPE of job. It has to be same as your LC. But after GC no one cares about the type of job that you do. So why care now and make a big issue of AC21.

In short, if they streamline the process and elimnate those redundancy then they can approve within a month. No joke.

E-filing, elctronic FP, Status Check, mail notifications. These are some good improvements but all they have to do is to reduce the unnecessary process and forms.

Please refer to earlier thread,

security checks are necessary. Using them as an excuse to delay adjudication is NOT. Terrorists are a very patient lot. There are sleeper cells that will bide their time for a very long time and strike. Only a very through security check will help. This is especially true since a permanent resident is almost a citizen. If there is anything 9/11 showed us its more coordination between the security agencies is required. The bas**ds who perpertrated it were here illegally and if the FBI and the former INS had their act together the dastardly act could have been prevented.

I am not stating any of this as a flame bait. But just as an illustration to show how the security checks are necessary.

IMHO, of course.
bags3, I wonder if you have read the observation made by tms.

No one is questioning the need for security checks -- it's just that adjustment applicants are already in the US (unlike those consular process beneficiaries who get to enter the US only upon their GC approval) -- if they have any ill intentions, they will neither apply for the GC (that can only help identify them), nor wait for their GC to be approved before they act on such ill intentions.

Anyway, I guess we are all on the same side of this issue.

I did and thats the reason why I made the observation of sleeper cells. We all know there are sleeper cells in the country (like the one they busted in Buffalo, NY). And as sleeper cells go they will make every effort to blend into the populance. A non-immigrant visa is short lived and there is the damocles sword of layoff/out-of-status hanging over everyones head. A GC gets rid of all that.

There was some news last year of an engineer at Intel who had gone to Afghanisthan to meet with the Taliban. I don't know if it was a witchhunt or there was some substance to the story.

So like I said just because someone is here on a H1-B does not mean he is all clean. There have been abuses of the H1-B system and there will be in the future.

I am not a USCIS apologist nor do I play one on TV. What I am arguing for is that the security checks are a necessary evil. BUT USCIS using it as an excuse to delay adjudication is not acceptable.

Hope this makes my position more clear to you.

All talk no results.......

Since everyone from AILA to ombudsman to USCIS are talking about backlog (talking only-- not really showing any results in reality) here is some more talk attached (courtesy I wish these SOBs would quit talking and show some f**king results.