Background checks during I-485 approval?

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You can do several things.
Download from INS page form G-731C. It has two pages. One page is general inquiry of the case. Fill out that form and ask any questions you want about your case. You can fax it, or mail it. I just mailed mine yesterday. We will see what do they have to say.
Second, you can write to a congressman to the district you belong to. They will send you an inquiry form to fill out, and they will do the inquiry of the case for you. They have their person at CSC that only does checking of the cases. It takes more then a month for them to respond to you but they will tell you what is going on with a case. I have done the same thing. I just got the letter back from the congressman\'s office that the INS responded to their inquiry and they said that they have just received my fingerprint and that the decision on my case will be done in 60 days. That is still a lot, but it is a much better respond then one that I got from CSC officer. She said: We will be working on your case in three month or in twelve month. She had no clue what is going on.
Good luck
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Hi kevin,

Thanks for the explanation. The background check they
conducted on me was nearly four years ago when I first
joined the company. At the time, I was really naive
(knew nothing about leagal right, immigration, etc.)
and just followed what I was told. Silly me :)

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I looked at the G-731c, Did you attach an extra page with all your questions? because there is no place in the form for us to write questions? My lawyer keeps saying that i should not talk to IIO myself etc.. Do you think it is OK for me to go ahead with the General inquiry? May be i should go ahead just don;t tell to lawyer right!

Will the lawyer ever come to know that we did this inquiry ourself?
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I was specifically told by the IIO who had my case approved that FPs are only valid for 3 months. I think the 15 months you are referring to is for the medical tests supplied with the I485 application.