Background Check!!


Registered Users (C)
I am the primary applicant and my wife is the derivative. She does not have any background in IT but managed to get her H1 in that field although she had come here on H4.(Her original Bachelor Degree is in Interior Designing) She got laid of after 9/11 and hence converted her visa back to H4. Will there be a background check for her during the CP Interview?
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The background check is for criminal records.
Then again , if your case is complicated , they might scrutinize every tiny detail.
So be prepared , carry documents to proove that she was never in the country without proper visa status .
The onus is on you to proove that your case is authentic.
Don\'t worry dude

If INS gave her an H1 based on her background, whatever it was then why worry ? Now, if there is some "adjustments" involved, I have no idea. But I think the background check is only for criminal records and any status violations. I don\'t think they get into details, how/why/where anybody obtained their previous visas, etc.