Background Check. Help Wanted !!!


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My friend's I-485 RD is 05/2002 . He had sent an email to FBI to check on the results and FBI replied back saying results were sent to USCIS .

Now my friend received a reply from the congressman's office saying USCIS is waiting for results back from FBI....

Did any one else have the same issue? What should be done to resolve this.

I am in the same boat. FBI confirmed that they sent the result back in Jan, 2004, but USCIS still says my security check is pending. I sent lot of faxes to USCIS, no response so far.
FBI conduct number

Can you give me the FBI email address ro contact number? I was told my background checking is not complete. Thanks

Pashwin, he should contact his senator or congressman

Is your friends PD current?? Options in my opinion will be to call the TSC and find out from them directly if they have received the Namecheck report from FBI--this would be easier if the PD was current, and he could question them as to why his case is not approved? If they say it is pending namecheck, he could mention that he got an email from FBI indicating that this was processed.

Since the congressman's office is already involved in his case, it may not be a bad idea to give a copy of the email to them and ask them if they can look into the case to clarify status.

Pashwin, can you also inform us all which email address was used to send the email to the FBI. I have emailed them, sent faxes and certified letters regarding my case, and have to date received no response. The only way I was able to get some information was through the Senators office. I have also read other people have had similar problems with getting a response from FBI, and some have said that FBI was not responding to emails or phone calls anymore.
I called TSC and they told me name check for my wife and me were not finsihed.
However, they told me last time mine was finished.

I am now thinking USCIS just use FBI name check as an excuse.