Back from Vacation and I485 approved - SRC012565XXXX


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My wife's and my I-485 were approved on Nov 26. My wife's EAD was also approved(Notice Date Sep 3, 2003). What a surprise! We also got the passport stamped today morning.
Notice Date Aug 29, 2001 EB2/RIR India
I have not enclosed more details since mine was an odd case. My GC processs started in 1996 and I was eligible to apply for I-485 in 1998. The date was also current. But I delayed filing my 485 since I did not want to get married right away. I was also in a pretty stable company and loved my job/workplace. Thus I was in no hurry. My lawyer also thought I was crazy and it was the first such case he had experienced. And 3 years passed by before I finally got married and applied.
Who could have foreseen sad days like Sep 11? It really changed everything. My decisions would probably have been different if I was starting GC process today.

So a permanent resident after 10 years. Makes me wonder what the definition of permanent is.

Good luck to everybody in the forum. May everybody get their approvals soon. Also good luck to everybody having personal/domestic problems. Hope things settle down for you. Thanks to all the contributors who made/are making a difference here. I will keep scanning SRC01255/256 dates and periodically posting them. I will also try to can other days too.
The processing still seems to be very random. Out of 5 of us who applied(same day, same lawyer, same comparny), only 3 have gotten approved.

peace out.
Congratulations dvorak...

All the best. Can you please post your stamping experience.
Congratulations and listen to ANTONIN DVORAK's symphony...


Congratulations and now you can enjoy the great Symphony # 9 of Antonin Dvorak -- "From the New World". I am sure, it will suit your mood, just as this great composer had composed it after fleeing to New York from Prague and was promised 20 times the salary he earned there. Having come here, he was too nostalgic about his homeland Slovakia that he created this wonderful Symphony, which would just suit your own mood.

Great class, Dvorak!!! Congratulations to you, "Dvorak" as well for realizing your dream of getting a GC!!!
Re: stamping experience

The stamping went smoothly.
Went to INS office on Forsythe street in Atlanta at about 7.45 a.m.
I showed them the approval notice and
got a token at about 8.20 am.
They gave me a form to fill out. I had to fill out.
Alien Number
Name and Address
Date and place born
Mother's first name
Father's first name
Destination City when entered U.S.

My number was called at about 9.15. a.m.

The lady asked for
Approval Notice
Two picutres
Form that I had filled earlier.

She also took my
Advanced parole(already expired) and I-94.
They took fingerprints and made me sign on a card. She stapled the I-94 to it.

Then she stamped the passport with a real un-professional looking rubber stamp. It basically say its a temporary stamp for form 515(or some such number). She wrote my alien number and that it was issued in Atlanta office, by a ball point pen.
She just saw the look on my face and reassured me that its valid for travel and employment. She did not return my EAD/AP/Approval notice. The stamp is all that you get and your passport. I hope I don't have trouble travelling to India with that silly looking rubber stamp. Last time they did not let me board the Delta flight because the guys at Bombay did not understand Advanced Parole and insisted that I get a transit visa.

That's it. It took about 5 minutes and I was out by 9.30 am.
Congratulations Dvorak!

The TSC "process the next box o'files" practice continues. Interestingly End of August 01/Early Sep 2001 files are apparently boxed together with Early 2002 cases as the recent approvals suggest.

Wondering what is the content of the next box down the line...

Hope it is May-June-July 2001!
Thanks a lot for all your good wishes. I hope all of you get your approvals soon and enjoy your freedom. It sickens me reading about people who have an emergency and cannot travel back home.
Everybody get your approval and share the good news here. I will be reading.

I have enjoyed this forum, especially the data consolidation project. I will keep scanning and contributing to it.

BTW: I failed to put my finger printing date in the details. It was on March 27,2003.

Poongunranar -- I will listen to the symphony and let you know. Your posts in other threads have also been very informative. Good luck to you.

Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across
forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in
the midst of the one celebration that never can end.

Richard Bach

Thanks for giving the details. Wonderful description.

Not everyone remembers all the details and even if they do, most people tend to give broad pictures.

Once agains thanks for all the details and congratulations. :)