B2 visa.second attempt.need help


New Member
Please take some time to read my post and write a responce. I would appreciate any kind of help. My mother has been denied B2 visa in March 2009 in Kiev, Ukraine. The officer asked her if she is married and if she has any more kids. She was not married and I am her only child. After hearing this he denied her visa on the base of 214b. Recently my mother got married. Can this somehow help her in her next attempt to get a visa? Also she opened her own business a couple of months ago. Once again, will be glad to hear any kind of oppinions. Thanks

p.s. also we are considering writing a letter to congresman. is it a good idea?
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It may help her, specially if her husband is not visiting the US with her.

Can this somehow help her in her next attempt to get a visa? Also she opened her own business a couple of months ago. Once again, will be glad to hear any kind of oppinions.